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  3. 永岡紗和子、久能勝、中川彰子、平野好幸、清水栄司. 子どもの強迫性障害に対する認知行動療法の有効性に関する研究(第2報). メンタルヘルス岡本記念財団研究助成報告集 (0916-9156)28号, P97-101. 2017/03.
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  8. Koike H,Tsuchiyagaito A,Hirano Y,Oshima F,Asano K,Sugiura Y,Kobori O,Ishikawa R,Nishinaka H,Shimizu E,Nakagawa A. Reliability and validity of the Japanese version of the Obsessive-Compulsive Inventory-Revised (OCI-R). Current Psychology. in press
  9. Yamada F, Hiramatsu Y, Murata T, Seki Y, Yokoo M, Noguchi R, Shimizu E. Exploratory study of imagery rescripting without focusing on early traumatic memories for major depressive disorder. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice.; 1–18. doi:10.1111/papt.12164. 2017/12/09.
  10. Setsu R, Hirano Y, Tokunaga M, Takahashi T, Numata N, Matsumoto K, Masuda Y, Matsuzawa D, Iyo M, Shimizu E, Nakazato M. Increased subjective distaste and altered insula activity to umami tastants in patients with bulimia nervosa. Front Psychiatry. Front Psychiatry 2017;8:172. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt. 2017.00172. 2017/12/09.
  11. Hirose M, Hirano Y, Nemoto K, Sutoh C, Asano K, Miyata H, Matsumoto J, Nakazato M, Matsumoto K, Masuda Y, Iyo M, Shimizu E, Nakagawa A. Relationship between symptom dimensions and brain morphology in obsessive-compulsive disorder. Brain Imaging Behav 2017, 11:1326-1333. 2017/10.
  12. Okuda T, Asano K, Numata N, Hirano Y, Yamamoto T, Tanaka M, Matsuzawa D, Shimizu E, Iyo M, Nakazato M. Feasibility of cognitive remediation therapy for adults with autism spectrum disorders: a single-group pilot study. Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat. 2017;13:2185–2191. 2017/08/16.
  13. Tsuchiyagaito A, Hirano Y, Asano K, Oshima F, Nagaoka S, Takebayashi Y, Matsumoto K, Masuda Y, Iyo M, Shimizu E, Nakagawa A. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder with and without Autism Spectrum Disorder: Gray Matter Differences Associated with Poor Outcome. Front Psychiatry. 2017;8:143. 2017/08/15.
  14. Yagi M, Hirano Y, Nakazato M, Nemoto K, Ishikawa K, Sutoh C, Miyata H, Matsumoto J, Matsumoto K, Masuda Y, Obata T, Iyo M, Shimizu E, Nakagawa A. Relationship between symptom dimensions and white matter alterations in obsessive-compulsive disorder.Acta Neuropsychiatrica. 2017;29:153-63. 2017/06.
  15. Tsuchiyagaito A, Horiuchi S, Igarashi T, Kawanori Y, Hirano Y, Yabe H, Nakagawa A. Factor structure, reliability, and validity of the Japanese version of the Hoarding Rating Scale Self-Report (HRS-SR-J). Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat. 13:1235-43. 2017/05/09.
  16. Noguchi R, Sekizawa Y, So M, Yamaguchi S, Shimizu E. Effects of five-minute internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy and simplified emotion-focused mindfulness on depressive symptoms: A randomized controlled trial, BMC Psychiatry Vol. 17(85). 2017/05/04.
  17. Seki Y, Nagata S, Shibuya T, Yoshinaga N, Yokoo M, Ibuki H, Minamitani N, Kusunoki M, Inada Y, Kawasoe N, Adachi S, Yoshimura K, Nakazato M, Iyo M, Nakagawa A, Eiji Shimizu. A feasibility study of the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of individual cognitive behavioral therapy for panic disorder in a Japanese clinical setting: an uncontrolled pilot study. BMC Res Notes. 2016. 9:458. 2017/02/06.
  18. Matsumoto J, Hirano Y, Hashimoto K, Ishima T, Kanahara N, Niitsu T, Shiina A, Hashimoto T, Sato Y, Yokote K, Murano S, Kimura H, Hosoda Y, Shimizu E, Iyo M, Nakazato M. Altered serum level of matrix metalloproteinase-9 and its association with decision-making in eating disorders. Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2017;71:124-34. 2017/02.
  19. Sato D, Yoshinaga N, Nagai E, Hanaoka H, Sato Y, Shimizu E, Randomised controlled trial on the effect of internet-delivered computerised cognitive–behavioural therapy on patients with insomnia who remain symptomatic following hypnotics: a study protocol, BMJ Open, 8(1)e018220; DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2017-018220. 2017/01/30.