Sahara Y, Yamada M, Hirano Y, Matsuyoshi D, Nishimura H, Aizawa Y, Shimizu E, Obata T. The effect of prior sleep on cognitive functional MRI. ISMRM JPC 2022. Nagoya. 2022/09/10-11.
Kurita K, Obata T, Sutoh C, Matsuzawa D, Yoshinaga N, Shimizu E, Hirano Y. Effect of individual cognitive behavioral therapy for antidepressant-resistant social anxiety disorder in resting-state functional MRI. 52nd European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies Congress (EABCT 2022), Barcelona, Spain. 2022/09/07-10.
Kawasaki T, Oshima F, Taguchi K, Nakamura H, Hongo M, Okawa S, Iino R, Nishinaka H, Kanai K, Katono M, Furukawa M, Shimizu E. Effectiveness of online cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT-PAC) to understand children with autism spectrum tendencies and to deal with parenting stress: A pilot study protocol. The 52nd European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies (EABCT). Barcelona, Spain. 2022/09/07-10.
Hirose M, Nakamura H, Sasaki T, Matsumoto J, Shimizu E. Survey research on remote medication guidance and impact of community pharmacists in response to the spread of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The 21st Asian Conference on Clinical Pharmacy (ACCP 2022 in Nagoya) Online conference. Nagoya, Japan. 2022/02/11-13. (ポスター発表)
Minako Hongo, Fumiyo Oshima, Yusuke Nitta, Toru Takahashi, Hitoshi,Kuwabara, Toshiyuki Ohtani, Laura Hull, Will Mandy, and Eiji Shimizu.Validation and factor structure of the Japanese version of the Camouflaging Autistic Traits Questionnaire (CAT-Q),INSAR(International Society of Autism Research) Annual Meeting, Texas, May 2022.
緒方健.医療における個人情報の利用と課題. 第19回デジタル・フォレンジック・コミュニティ2022 in TOKYO研究会2:個人情報の保護と利活用をめぐる現状と課題. 東京. 2022/12/05-06.