Research Achievements

Masakatsu Yamashita

2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 |
| Papers| Books| International Conferences |


Miki‚ M. T.‚ Hasegawa‚ A.‚ Iwamura‚ C.‚ Shinoda‚ K.‚ Tofukuji‚ S.‚ Watanabe‚ Y.‚ Hosokawa‚ H.‚ Motohashi‚ S.‚ Hashimoto‚ K.‚ Shirai‚ M.‚ Yamashita‚ M.‚ and Nakayama‚ T.   CD69 controls the pathogenesis of allergic airway inflammation.
J. Immunol.  2009;  183   (12):   8203-8215

Yamashita‚ M.‚ and Nakayama‚ T.   Bmi1 regulates memory Th cell survival via repression of the Noxa gene.
Proceedings of the 2nd European Congress of Immunology in press.  2009;     

Kitajima‚ M.‚ Iwamura‚ C.‚ Miki‚ H. T.‚ Shinoda‚ K.‚ Endo‚ Y.‚ Watanabe‚ Y.‚ Shinnakasu‚ R.‚ Hosokawa‚ H.‚ Hashimoto‚ K.‚ Motohashi‚ S.‚ Koseki‚ H.‚ Ohara‚ O.‚ Yamashita‚ M.‚ and Nakayama‚ T.   Enhanced Th2 cell differentiation and allergen-induced airway inflammation in Zfp35-deficient mice.
J. Immunol.  2009;  183   (8):   5388-5396

Nakayama T‚ Yamashita M.   Critical role of the Polycomb and Trithorax complexes in the maintenance of CD4 T cell memory.
Semin. Immunol.  2009;  21   (2):   78-83



Nakayama T‚ Yamashita M.   Critical role of the Polycomb and Trithorax complexes in the maintenance of CD4 T cell memory.   Semin. Immunol.  2009;   21     78-83


International Conferences

Nakayama‚ T.‚ and Yamashita‚ M. Bmi1 regulates memory Th2 cell survival via repression of the noxa gene. 
European Journal of Immunology 2009 2009-9-13 Berlin/Germany

Nakayama‚ T.‚ Yamashita‚ M.‚ Hosokawa‚ H.‚ and Iwamura‚ C. Regulation of memory Th cell survival and function by the polycomb and trithorax group gene products. 
The 5th International Workshop of Kyoto T Cell Conference 2009 2009-6-1 Kyoto/Japan

Nakayama‚ T.‚ and Yamashita‚ M. Bmi1 regulates memory CD4 T cell survival via repression of the Noxa gene. 
Keystone Symposia 2009 2009-2-8 Colorado/U.S.A
