Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
We emphasize the evolutionary research into surgical treatment associated with the abnormal morphology of the craniomaxillo-facial bone, as well as embryological and genetic research and research on the growth of congenital abnormal craniofacial morphology. Research into skin flap hemodynamics based on analysis of the blood circulation to and the morphology of skin, subcutaneous tissue, fascia, muscles, and bone is also an important theme in reconstructive surgery. We also want to conduct stem cell implantation based on fat graft, and to conduct research into epidermis, dermis, and cartilage transplantation using tissue culture. We also conduct systematic research into hemangioma focusing on eyelid ptosis and vascular malformation.
Nobuyuki Mitsukawa, M.D., Ph.D.
TEL: +81-43-226-2524
FAX: +81-43-226-2524
e-mail: nmitsu●faculty.chiba-u.jpa
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Research & Education

- Cranio-maxillofacial bone surgery
--- Reseach of distraction osteogenesis as a surgical technique and development of the optimal distraction devices
---Enbryological and genetic research of Craniofacial malformations and growth of craniofacial bone
---Research concerning on the surgical treatment for Craniosynostosis
---Anthropometric analysis of the human face of the Orientals
---Morphological analysis of the nasal deformity in the cleft lip and palate - Microvascular circulation in the flap based on vasculature of skin to bone
---Reconsruction of tissue defect using safe and stable modality with less morbidity
---Functional reconstructive surgery after abrasion of the malignant tumors in various region - Reseach of stem cell graft and cuturesd cell graft
--- Would healing and research of the cultured epithelium.deimis, and cartilage
---Fat graft based on multipotential fat-stem cell - Pathophysiology of the occurrence of hypertrophic scar and keloids after the surgical treatment
- Pathophysiology of proptosis and its treatment strategy
- Treatment protocol for Hemoangioma and vascular malformations by various laser irradiation
Recent Publications
- Mitsukawa N,et al. Early midfacial distraction for syndromic craniosynostotic patients with obstructive sleep apnoea. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg, 2013; 66:1206-1211.
- Mitsukawa N, et al. Midfacial distraction using a transfacial pinning technique for Syndromic craniosynostosis with obstructive respiratory disorders. J Plast Reconstr Aesth Surg, 2010; 63:1990-1994.
- Mitsukawa N, et al. Special distraction osteogenesis before bone grafting for alveolar cleft defects to correct maxillary deformities in patients with bilateral cleft lips and palates: distraction osteogenesis performed separately for each bone segment. J Cranio-Maxillofac Surg, 2014; 42: 623-628.
- Mitsukawa N, et al. Changing the Facial Features of Patients with Treacher Collins Syndrome: Protocol for Three-Stage Treatment for Hard- and Soft-Tissue Hypoplasia in the Upper Half of the Face. Ann Plast Surg, 2014; 73:39-42.