Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery
Head and neck oncology is one of the main research fields in our department. We are aggressively performing tumor excision, as well as reconstructive surgery aiming to preserve and recover the morphology and function of the resected regions by covering the removed tissue. At the same time, we are developing treatments aimed at improving the outcomes and patients' quality of life and are promoting clinical research into cellular immune treatment using the natural killer T-cell immune system. Basic oncology research, such as microRNA analysis is extensively performed. We are also devoting our efforts to allergy-associated research. We have made many achievements in basic and clinical research concerning the pathological condition of allergic rhinitis, and our department is central to research and treatment of allergic rhinitis in Japan.
Toyoyuki Hanazawa ,M.D.,Ph.D.
TEL: +81-43-226-2137
FAX: +81-43-226-2581
e-mail: thanazawa●faculty.chiba-u.jp
URL: http://www.m.chiba-u.ac.jp/dept/jibika/
※ Please change "●" mark to at-mark if you send emails.

Research & Education
- Study of pathology and treatment of allergic rhinitis.
- Clinical and basic investigation of head and neck cancer.
- Diagnosis and treatment of laryngopharyngeal reflux diseases.
- Genetic approach to the various diseases of Otorhinolaryngology.
- Pathophysiological study of nasal mucosa.
- Study of functional reconstruction of head and neck cancer.
- Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of salivary glands

Recent Publications
- Yonekura S, Gotoh M, Okano M, et al. Japanese cedar pollen sublingual immunotherapy is effective in treating seasonal allergic rhinitis during the pollen dispersal period for Japanese cedar and Japanese cypress. Allergol Int. 2022 71(1):140-1432.
- Suzuki T, Seki Y, Matsumura T, et al. Reflux-related extraesophageal symptoms until proven otherwise; a direct measurement of abnormal proximal exposure based on hypopharyngeal multichannel intraluminal impedance as a reliable indicator for successful treatment outcomes. J Neurogastroenterol Motil. 2022 28(1):69-77
- Nagasaki J, Inozume T, Sax N, et al. PD-1 blockade therapy promotes infiltration of tumor-attacking exhausted T cell clonotypes. Cell Rep. 2022 38(5):110331
- Koriyama M, Okamoto Y, Suzuki T, et al. Characteristics of Japanese cypress pollen-induced allergic rhinitis by environmental challenge chamber. Allergol Int. 2022 Jan;71(1):144-146.
- Yonekura S, Gotoh M, Kaneko S, et al. Disease-Modifying Effect of Japanese Cedar Pollen Sublingual Immunotherapy Tablets. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2021 9(11):4103-4116.e14.
- Fukumoto I, Kozumi H, Takata Y, et al. Pre-school pediatric cholesteatoma: 46 Cases. Glob J Otolaryngol 2021 24(3) GJO.MS.ID.556139