Japanese-Oriental (Kampo) Medicine
Humans have long used natural materials, such as plants, animals, fungi, bacterial products, and minerals, to treat diseases and alleviate physical distress. In Asia, these materials have been systemically used in Kampo medicine. Its academic system begun in the middle of the 6th century by introducing Chinese traditional medicine and has been uniquely modified in Japan for over a thousand years. Thereafter, it had been the main medical treatment in Japan until Edo era. Recently, Kampo medicine has increasingly begun to receive renewed attention because it provides a valid approach to treating symptoms refractory to conventional medicine, based on the Sho “證” diagnostic system. The Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare has approved more than 210 Kampo prescriptions for clinical use. Our ultimate objective is to practice patient-oriented medicine by utilizing ancient oriental wisdom in modern times.
Associate Professor and Director:
Takao Namiki
TEL: +81-43-226-2984
FAX: +81-43-226-2985
e-mail: tnamiki●faculty.chiba-u.jp
URL: https://www.m.chiba-u.ac.jp/class/wakan/
※ Please change "●" mark to at-mark if you send emails.

Research & Education

- Integrating Kampo Medicine with Conventional Medicine
--Since Kampo medicine and conventional medicine each have their own unique features, their complementary clinical application should ideally make up for defects in each respective approach. - Standardization of Kampo Diagnosis
--We are standardizing Kampo diagnosis for the prescribing clinicians in order to apply Kampo medicine in a safe and effective manner. - Clinical and Pharmacological Analysis of crude drugs and Kampo Formulae
--Controlled clinical trials and cell biological studies are planned to verify the effectiveness of each Kampo prescription.
Recent Publications
- Okada T, Namiki T, Tohge T, Kanaya S. Cheminformatics modeling of the correlation between Bupleurum Root-formula medicines and Excess and Deficiency pattern in the diagnostic criteria of Sho in Kampo (traditional Japanese medicine) by non-targeted direct infusion mass spectrometry with machine learning J Nat Med. 2022 Jan;76(1):306-313.
- Morita A, Namiki T, Nakaguchi T, Murai K, Watanabe Y, Nakamura M, Kawasaki Y, Shiko Y, Tamura Y, Suganami A, Murakami A, Yagi A, Okamoto H, Hirasaki Y. Role of Blood Stasis Syndrome of Kampo Medicine in the Early Pathogenic Stage of Atherosclerosis: A Retrospective Cross-Sectional Study Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2021 May 26;2021:5557392. doi: 10.1155/2021/5557392. eCollection 2021.
- Namiki T, Takayama S, Arita R, Ishii T, Kainuma M, Makino T, Mimura M, Yoshino T, Nogami T, Arai M, Sato J, Tanaka K, Nakae H, Igari H, Ozawa Y, Shiko Y, Kawasaki Y, Nezu M, Ito T. A structured summary of a study protocol for a multi-center, randomized controlled trial (RCT) of COVID-19 prevention with Kampo medicines (Integrative Management in Japan for Epidemic Disease by prophylactic study: IMJEDI P1 study). Trials. 2021 Jan 6;22(1):23. doi: 10.1186/s13063-020-04939-2.