Functional Anatomy
Our lab has two research groups. One group is working on neuroscience, including brain connectome and pathophysiology of neurodegenerative disease and stroke. Another group’s theme is reproductive biology and medicine.
In regard to medical education, we are in charge of the lectures and practical training of histology, neuroanatomy, and gross anatomy for first- and second-year medical school students. Our lectures are mainly intended to bridge basic and clinical medicine.
Atsushi Yamaguchi, M.D., Ph.D
TEL: +81-43-226-2024
FAX: +81-43-226-2025
e-mail: atsyama●
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Research & Education

- Pathophysiology of neurodegenerative diseases (ALS) and brain stroke
- Tract-based brain connectome
- Reproductive biology and medicine.
- Neuroanatomy in 2nd academic year.
- Histology in 1st academic year.
- Gross anatomy in 2nd academic year.
Recent Publications
- Tatsuya Jitsuishi, Atsushi Yamaguchi(2020) Identification of a distinct association fiber tract "IPS-FG" to connect the intraparietal sulcus areas and fusiform gyrus by white matter dissection and tractography. Sci Rep. 2020 Sep 23;10(1):15475.
- Yamaguchi A, Takanashi K.(2016) FUS interacts with nuclear matrix-associated protein SAFB1 as well as Matrin3 to regulate splicing and ligand-mediated transcription. Sci Rep. 2016 Oct 12;6:35195.
- Yamaguchi A. et al. (2020) Temporal expression profiling of DAMPs-related genes revealed the biphasic post-ischemic inflammation in the experimental stroke model. Mol Brain. 2020 Apr 7;13(1):57.