Frontier Surgery
In our department, we are treating patients with digestive tract diseases, mammary gland/thyroid diseases, or chronic renal failure for kidney transplantation, and promoting researches of these diseases. We are developing novel surgical techniques for laparoscopic surgery, extended surgery, salvage surgery, or endoscopic surgery. We are also focusing on multimodal treatment such as neoadjuvant and adjuvant therapies, with use of radiotherapy, chemotherapy and immunotherapy for advanced cancers. The promotion of clinical research is our important mission, and we are actively developing new treatment methods based on radiological and endoscopic researches. Especially, we implemented genetic treatment using the p53 cancer suppressor gene for advanced esophageal cancer from 2000 to 2004. We are also actively promoting epigenetic research including micro ribonucleic acid (RNA) analyses to develop new molecular-targeted therapy such as histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors. We are also constructing clinical bio-bank and database of Chiba University as the research base for overcoming various malignant digestive disease in the future.
Hisahiro Matsubara M.D., Ph.D.
TEL: +81-43-226-2105
FAX: +81-43-226-2112
e-mail: matsuhm●
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Research & Education

A. Gastrointestinal Surgery
1. Surgical oncology and therapeutics of gastrointestinal cancer;
Imaging diagnosis, Imaging of intracellular molecule, Endoscopic diagnosis, Minimally invasive therapy, Surgical technique, Endoscopic resection, Laparoscopic surgery, Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy, Carbon ion radiotherapy, Immunotherapy, Gene therapy, Molecular therapy, Epigenetics and regulation of cell apoptosis, Regulation of intracellular molecular transfer, Individualized therapy, Regulation of surgical invasion, Nutrition, Regeneratioin of internal organs.
2. Functional physiology of gastrointestinal tract;Achalasia, Reflux esophagitis, Gastric emptying function, Intestinal mucosa, Defecatory function
B. Breast and Thyroid Surgery
1. Surgical oncology and therapeutics of breast cancer
2. Surgical oncology and therapeutics of thyroid cancer
C. Organ Transplantation
1. Organ preservation
2. Immune tolerance, Regulation of graft rejection
Recent Publications
- Matsumoto Y, Kano M, Murakami K, Toyozumi T, Suito H, Takahashi M, Sekino N, Shiraishi T, Kamata T, Ryuzaki T, Hirasawa S, Kinoshita K, Matsubara H. Tumor-derived exosomes influence the cell cycle and cell migration of human esophageal cancer cell lines.
Cancer Sci. 2020 Dec;111(12):4348-4358. - Yamada S, Takiyama H, Isozaki Y, Shinoto M, Ebner DK, Koto M, Tsuji H, Miyauchi H, Sekimoto M, Ueno H, Itabashi M, Ikeda M, Matsubara H; Working Group on Locally Recurrent Rectal Cancer. Carbon Ion Radiotherapy for Locally Recurrent Rectal Cancer of Patients with Prior Pelvic Irradiation.
Ann Surg Oncol. 2022 Jan;29(1):99-106. - Yamaguchi Y, Uesato M, Yonemoto S, Maruyama T, Urahama R, Suito H, Kishimoto T, Shiko Y, Ozawa Y, Kawasaki Y, Matsubara H.Lowering the setting value of the esophageal endoscopic submucosal dissection device enabled tissue damage control in vitro porcine model.
Sci Rep. 2022 Feb 23;12(1):3071.