Emergency and Critical Care Medicine
We have been interested in the pathophysiology of multiple organ failure. The strength of our laboratory is high capability of conducting translational research, mainly on sepsis, a disease with high mortality in the field of emergency and critical care medicine. Our ultimate goal is to save the lives of critically ill patients through the following advanced research.
Taka-aki Nakada, MD, PhD
TEL: +81-43-222-7171
e-mail: chibadaieccm-office●umin.ac.jp
URL: https://www.m.chiba-u.jp/dept/eccm/
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Research & Education

Recent Publications
- Imaeda T, Nakada TA, et al. Trends in the incidence and outcome of sepsis using data from a Japanese nationwide medical claims database. Crit Care. 2021;25(1):338.
- Shimazui T, Nakada TA, et al. Significance of body temperature in elderly patients with sepsis. Crit Care. 2020;24(1):387.
- Shimada T, et al. Very Low Density Lipoprotein Receptor Sequesters Lipopolysaccharide Into Adipose Tissue During Sepsis. Crit Care Med. 2020;48(1):41-48.
- Nakada TA, et al. Genetic Polymorphisms in Sepsis and Cardiovascular Disease: Do Similar Risk Genes Suggest Similar Drug Targets? Chest. 2019;155(6):1260-1271.
- Oami T,et al. Suppression of T Cell Autophagy Results in Decreased Viability and Function of T Cells Through Accelerated Apoptosis in a Murine Sepsis Model. Crit Care Med. 2017;45(1):e77-85.