Diagnostic Medicine
We specialize in clinical problem solving and ambulatory medicine. We solve a patient's undiagnosed symptom or health problem by comprehensively approaching all biopsychosocial problems without being restricted to an organ system or disease.
We also emphasize the importance of the medical interview from the standpoint of being able to diagnose a majority of disease or illness from the interview alone.
Masatomi Ikusaka, MD, PhD
TEL: +81-43-222-7171 ex.6437
e-mail: chiba_u_soshin●mac.com
URL: https://www.m.chiba-u.ac.jp/dept/soshin/
※ Please change "●" mark to at-mark if you send emails.

Research & Education

- Research on diagnostic reasoning and its effective teaching methods
- Research on validity and reliability of medical history and physical examination
- Research on clinical problem solving –how to generate hypotheses
- Research on patients’ threshold to see a physician
- Research on sustainable community medicine with remote diagnosis
Recent Publications
- Takada T, Ikusaka M, Ohira Y, et.al. Diagnostic usefulness of Carnett’s test in psychogenic abdominal pain. Intern Med 2011; 50 (3) : 213-217.
- Ohira Y, Ikusaka M, Noda K, et.al. Consultation behaviour of doctor-shopping patients and factors that reduce shopping. J Eval Clin Pract 2011; 18 : 433-440.
- Ohta M, Ohira Y, Uehara T, et.al. How Accurate Are First Visit Diagnoses Using Synchronous Video Visits with Physicians? Telemed J E Health 2016: DOI: 10.1089/tmj.2015.0245.