Comparative Pathology
Management of Laboratory Animals and Laboratory Animal Facilities.
We aim to improve the management of Animal Facilities and animal care by using information and communication technology
Associate Professor:
TEL: +81-43-226-2204
FAX: +81-43-226-2205
e-mail: lac-admin●
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Research & Education

- Education and Training for Institutional Animal Care and Use in Chiba University.
Introducing of both check sheets, PREPARE for planning and ARRIVE for reporting, for 3Rs (Replacement, Reduction, and Refinement) and 5Fs (Freedom from hunger, malnutrition and thirst; Freedom from fear and distress; Freedom from heat stress or physical discomfort; Freedom from pain, injury and disease; and Freedom to express normal patterns of behavior) - Information security of Information literacy in Mathematical and Data science of the Liberal Arts Education.
Recent Publications
Basic test for Chiba University Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee Regulations ( 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 ).
Chiba University Animal Experiment Annual Report