Biomedical Science
In the department of Biomedical Science, we are conducting analysis of the pathological condition of human diseases using genetically-engineered mice and also perform research on the development of treatment methods. Among these, we are particularly focusing on diseases caused by an abnormality of enteric neurons, and immuno-allergic diseases. We are also conducting basic research into the molecular control mechanism of cellular proliferation, differentiation, and cellular death, using these mice.
Besides the above-mentioned research, we are providing research technology support, involving the production of transgenic mice or knock-out mice by genome editing method, freeze preservation of fertile eggs, and melting and implantation of the eggs.
Masahiko Hatano, MD, PhD
TEL: +81-43-226-2950
FAX: +81-43-226-2953
e-mail: hatanom●
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Research & Education

- Generation and analysis of mouse model of human disease
- Molecular genetics of neurocristopathy
- Role of enteric neurons in the maintenance of intestinal homeostasis
- Role of p38 in inflammation
- Research on mechanism and treatment of Immune and allergic diseases using genetically modified mice
A. Microinjection laboratory
B and C. DNA microinjection into fertilized eggs
D and E. Visualization of enteric neurons by NADPH-diaphorase histochemistry. Number of enteric neuron is increased in Ncx deficient (E) mouse compared to that of wild type(D) mouse. Ncx deficient mouse is considered to be an animal model of human intestinal neuronal dysplasia (IND).
Recent Publications
- Ohara Y, Fujimura L, Sakamoto A, Teratake Y, Hiraoka S, Koseki H, Saito T, Terui K, Mitsunaga T, Nakata M, Yoshida H, Hatano M. Genetic background-dependent abnormalities of the enteric nervous system and intestinal function in Kif26a-deficient mice. Sci Rep. 2021 Feb 4;11(1):3191.
- Matsuda S, Kim JD, Sugiyama F, Matsuo Y, Ishida J, Murata K, Nakamura K, Namiki K, Sudo T, Kuwaki T, Hatano M, Tatsumi K, Fukamizu A, Kasuya Y. Transcriptomic evaluation of pulmonary fibrosis-related genes: utilization of transgenic mice with modifying p38 signal in the lungs. Int J Mol Sci. 2020, 21:E6746.
- Ogasawara T, Kohashi Y, Ikari J, Taniguchi T, Tsuruoka N, Watanabe-Takano H, Fujimura L, Sakamoto A, Hatano M, Hirata H, Fukushima Y, Fukuda T, Kurasawa K, Tatsumi K, Tokuhisa T, Arima M. Allergic TH2 response governed by B-cell lymphoma 6 function in naturally occurring memory phenotype CD4+ T cells. Front Immunol. 2018,10:750.
- Ogasawara T, Hatano M, Satake H, Ikari J, Taniguchi T, Tsuruoka N, Watanabe-Takano H, Fujimura L, Sakamoto A, Hirata H, Sugiyama K, Fukushima Y, Nakae S, Matsumoto K, Saito H, Fukuda T, Kurasawa K, Tatsumi K, Tokuhisa T, Arima M. Development of chronic allergic responses by dampening Bcl6-mediated suppressor activity in memory T helper 2 cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2017; 114:E741-E750.