- Moriya Y, Nohata N, Mutallip M, Okamoto T, Yoshida S, Suzuki M, Yoshino I, Seki N, Tumor suppressive microRNA-133a regulates novel molecular networks in lung squamous cell carcinoma. J Hum Genet. 57(1): 38-45, 2012.
- Okamoto T, Iwata T, Mizobuchi T, Hoshino H, Moriya Y, Yoshida S, Yoshino I. Pulmonary resection for lung cancer with malignant pleural disease first detected at thoracotomy. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 41:25-30, 2012.
- Nagai M, Furihata T, Matsumoto S, Ishii S, Motohashi S, Yoshino I, Ugajin M, Miyajima A, Matsumoto S, Chiba K. Identification of a new organic anion transporting polypeptide 1B3 mRNA isoform primarily expressed in human cancerous tissues and cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 418:818-23, 2012.
- Benson HL, Suzuki H, Lott J, Fisher AJ, Walline C, Heidler KM, Brutkiewicz R, Blum JS, Wilkes DS.Donor lung derived myeloid and plasmacytoid dendritic cells differentially regulate T cell proliferation and cytokine production. Respir Res. 20;13:25. doi: 10.1186/1465-9921-13-25, 2012.
- Wada H, Yoshida S, Ishikawa A, Yasufuku K, Yoshino I, Kimura H. Endobronchial ultrasonography in a patient with a mediastinal thoracic duct cyst. Ann Thorac Surg. 93:1722-5, 2012.
- Wada H, Yoshida S, Suzuki H, Sakairi Y, Mizobuchi T, Komura D, Sato Y, Yokoi S, Yoshino I. Transplantation of alveolar type II cells stimulates lung regeneration during compensatory lung growth in adult rats. J Thoracic Cardiovasc Surg. 143(3): 711-719, 2012.
- Wada H, Yoshida S, Ishikawa A, Yasufuku K, Yoshino I, Kimura H. Endobronchial ultrasonography in a patient with a mediastinal thoracic duct cyst. Ann Thorac Surg. 93(5): 1722-5, 2012.
- Furuya M, Tanaka R, Koga S, Gotoda H, Takagi S, Hsu YH, Fujii T, Okada A, Kuroda N, Moritani S, Nagashima Y, Nagahama K, Hiroshima K, Yoshino I, Nomura F, Aoki I, Nakatani Y. Pulmonary Cysts of Birt-Hogg-Dubé Syndrome: A Clinicopathologic and Immunohistochemical Study of 9 Families. Am J Surg Pathol. 36(4): 589-600, 2012.
- Yoshino I, Yoshida S, Miyaoka E, Asamura H, Nomori H, Fujii Y, Nakanishi Y, Eguchi K, Mori M, Sawabata N, Okumura M, Yokoi K; for the Japanese Joint Committee of Lung Cancer Registration. Surgical Outcome of Stage IIIA- cN2/pN2 Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer Patients in Japanese Lung Cancer Registry Study in 2004. J Thorac Oncol. 7:850-855, 2012.
- Sekine Y, Suzuki H, Yamada Y, Koh E, Yoshino I. Severity of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and its Relationship to Lung Cancer Prognosis after Surgical Resection. Thorac Cardiovasc Surg, in press (Epub ahead of print).
- Shiohama T, Fujii K, Hayashi M, Hishiki T, Suyama M, Mizuochi H, Uchikawa H, Yoshida S, Yoshida H, Kohno Y. Phrenic nerve palsy associated with birth trauma - Case reports and a literature review. Brain Dev. Jun 26. Epub ahead of print. 2012.
- Koh E, Iizaka T, Yamaji H, Sekine Y, Hiroshima K, Yoshino I, Fujisawa T. Significance of the Correlation Between the Expression of Interleukin 6 and Clinical Features in Patients With Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer. Int J Surg Pathol. 20(3): 233-9, 2012.
- Nakajima T, Anayama T, Shingyoji M, Kimura H, Yoshino I, Yasufuku K. Vascular image patterns of lymph nodes for the prediction of metastatic disease during EBUS-TBNA for mediastinal staging of lung cancer.J Thorac Oncol 7:1009-14, 2012.
- Nagato K, Motohashi S, Ishibashi F, Okita K, Yamasaki K, Moriya Y, Hoshino H, Yoshida S, Hanaoka H, Fujii SI, Taniguchi M, Yoshino I, Nakayama T. Accumulation of Activated Invariant Natural Killer T Cells in the Tumor Microenvironment after α-Galactosylceramide-Pulsed Antigen Presenting Cells. J Clin Immunol, in press (Epub ahead of print).
- Sakairi Y, Saegusa F, Yoshida S, Takiguchi Y, Tatsumi K, Yoshino I. Evaluation of a learning system for endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration. Respir Investig 50:46-53, 2012.
- Tsujita E, Utsunomiya T, Yamashita Y, Ohta M, Tagawa T, Matsuyama A, Okazaki J, Yamamoto M, Tsutsui S, Ishida T. Outcome of hepatectomy in hepatocellular carcinoma patients aged 80 years and older. Hepatogastroenterology. 59(117):1553-5, 2012.
- Suzuki H, Fan L, Wilkes DS. Development of obliterative bronchiolitis in a murine model of orthotopic lung transplantation. J Vis Exp. doi:10.3791/3947, 2012.
- Maruoka M, Sakao S, Kantake M, Tanabe N, Kasahara Y, Kurosu K, Takiguchi Y, Masuda M, Yoshino I, Voelkel NF, Tatsumi K. Characterization of myofibroblasts in chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension. Int J Cardiol, 159:119-27, 2012.
- Wu L, Yun Z, Tagawa T, Rey-McIntyre K, de Perrot M. CTLA-4 blockade expands infiltrating T cells and inhibits cancer cell repopulation during the intervals of chemotherapy in murine mesothelioma. Mol Cancer Ther. 11(8): 1809-19, 2012.
- Guo F, Hiroshima K, Wu D, Satoh M, Abulazi M, Yoshino I, Tomonaga T, Nomura F, Nakatani Y. Prohibitin in squamous cell carcinoma of the lung: its expression and possible clinical significance. Hum Pathol 43:1282-8, 2012.
- Iida T, Nomori H, Shiba M, Nakajima J, Okumura S, Horio H, Matsuguma H, Ikeda N, Yoshino I, Ozeki Y, Takagi K, Goya T, Kawamura M, Hamada C, Kobayashi K. Prognostic Factors After Pulmonary Metastasectomy for Colorectal Cancer and Rationale for Determining Surgical Indications: A Retrospective Analysis. Ann Surg. Sep 21. Epub ahead of print, 2012.
- Shibasaki H, Yoshino A, Okada N, Mizobuchi T, Yoshimura K, Fukuda H, Kaneko T, Ogata A. A case of basaloid carcinoma of the esophagus with a solitary lung metastasis for which thoracoscopic partial lung resection was performed. Gen Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 60(10): 673-9, 2012.
- Daddi N, Nakajima T, Tagawa T, Yasufuku K. Transcervical resection of an ectopic mediastinal parathyroid adenoma. Ann Thorac Surg. 94(5): 1740, 2012.
- Nakajima T, Anayama T, Koike T, Shingyoji M, Castle L, Kimura H, Yoshino I, Yasufuku K. Endobronchial ultrasound doppler image features correlate with mRNA expression of HIF1-α and VEGF-C in patients with non-small-cell lung cancer. J Thorac Oncol. 7(11): 1661-7, 2012.
- Nakajima T, Zamel R, Anayama T, Kimura H, Yoshino I, Keshavjee S, Yasufuku K. Ribonucleic acid microarray analysis from lymph node samples obtained by endobronchial ultrasonography-guided transbronchial needle aspiration. Ann Thorac Surg. 94(6): 2097-101, 2012.
- Okamoto T, Iwata T, Mizobuchi T, Hoshino H, Moriya Y, Yoshida S, Yoshino I. Surgical treatment for non-small cell lung cancer with ipsilateral pulmonary metastases. Surg Today. Dec 10. Epub ahead of print, 2012.
- Yoshino I. Substantial risk affects the stage-dependent outcomes of cisplatin-based adjuvant chemotherapy for completely resected non-small cell lung cancer. Surg Today. Feb 11. Epub ahead of print, 2013.
- Nakajima T, Yasufuku K, Yoshino I. Current status and perspective of EBUS-TBNA. Gen Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2013:Epub ahead of print.
- Sekine Y, Suzuki H, Yamada Y, Koh E, Yoshino I. Severity of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and its Relationship to Lung Cancer Prognosis after Surgical Resection. Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2013:61(2) :124-30.
- 溝渕輝明, 吉田成利, 稲毛輝長, 森本淳一, 坂入祐一, 石橋史博, 米谷卓郎, 岩田剛和, 千代雅子, 守屋康充, 星野英久, 吉野一郎. 慢性閉塞性肺疾患症例における"仮想肺組織量"を指標とした、肺切除後のいわゆる"代償性肺成長"の評価. 臨床呼吸生理2012: 44巻 Page33-37.
- 吉野一郎. 喫煙関連・非喫煙関連肺癌の臨床的・分子生物学的類型化に基づいた新しい肺癌治療戦略の開発. 上原記念生命科学財団研究報告集2012: 25巻 Page1-3.
- 鎌田稔子, 吉田成利, 星野英久, 岡本龍郎, 鈴木実, 吉野一郎. 肺動脈より血液供給された肺葉外肺分画症の1例 本邦報告例の検討. 日本呼吸器外科学会雑誌 2012: 26巻4号 Page428-432.
- 米谷卓郎, 吉野一郎. 【なぜ禁煙か?】 喫煙の罪 喫煙と肺癌. 日本胸部臨床 2012: 71巻7号 Page614-624.
- 本橋新一郎. NKT細胞を標的としたがん免疫細胞治療の開発研究. 千葉医学雑誌 2012: 88巻1号 Page27-31.
- 吉田 成利, 吉野 一郎. 【本当は怖い臓器解剖変異-外科医が必ず知っておくべき知識】 呼吸器外科手術における血管分岐・走行異常. 臨床外科2012 :67巻13号 Page1490-1497.
- 田中 朝志, 吉野 一郎, 牧野 茂義, 勝俣 範之, 高橋 孝喜, 桑野 博行, 前原 喜彦, 西山 正彦. がん化学療法に伴う貧血に関する実態調査報告 日本輸血細胞治療学会誌2013: 59巻1号 Page48-57.
- 杉山 幸比古, 本間 栄, 弦間 昭彦, 吉野 一郎. 間質性肺炎合併肺癌の課題と展望. 医薬ジャーナル 2013: 49巻3号'Page934-941
- 岩田剛和, 吉野一郎. 【術前・術後管理必携】 合併症を有する患者の術前・術後管理 呼吸器系 慢性閉塞性肺疾患(解説/特集). 消化器外科2012: 35巻5号 Page788-790.
- 吉野一郎.「 大きく変わった肺がん治療」第20回HAB研究機構市民公開シンポジウム Proceedings:HAB研究機構2012; Page 5-53.
- 吉野一郎(編集委員・執筆者) 「よくわかる肺がんQ&A」特定非営利活動法人西日本がん研究機構(WJOG)2012: Page65-74.
- 吉田成利、吉野一郎. 呼吸器外科手術における血管分岐・走行異常. 臨床外科 第67巻13号Page1490-1497. 医学書院 東京
- 吉野一郎「放射線化学療法後の肺癌根治術」第112回日本外科学会定期学術集会 千葉 2012.4.12
- 吉田成利 「『ここでしか聞けない手術のお話し』「肺の外科手術」第112回日本外科学会定期学術総会市民公開講座 肺の外科手術(公開市民講座)千葉 2012.4.15
- 吉田成利「間質性肺炎合併肺癌に対する周術期ピレスパ療法」第29回日本呼吸器外科学会総会 秋田 2012.05.18
- 吉田成利「特発性肺線維症合併肺癌術後急性増悪の現状と対策―術前ピルフェドニン導入療法の経験―」日本呼吸器外科学会 間質性肺炎合併肺癌の外科治療を考える会 秋田2012.5.17
- 吉野一郎 HAB研究機構市民公開シンポジウム「肺癌外科治療の最前線」 東京 2012.5.19
- 坂入祐一 第35回日本呼吸器内視鏡学会学術集会「EBUS-TBNA教育システムとその有効性」東京 2012.5.30
- 中島崇裕 第35回日本呼吸器内視鏡学会学術集会「CP-EBUS画像における周波数解析―画像自動解析によるリンパ節移転予測に向けて―」東京 2012.5.30
- 吉野一郎 ランマーク発売記念講演会「外科的病期診断と術後補助療法」千葉 2012.7.3
- Sakairi Y. Molecular profiling of patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) using bronchoscopic ultra-micro sampling. The 48th Annual Meeting of American Society of Clinical Oncology, Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A, 2012.6.1
- Yamada Y. High Dose Perioperative Steroidal Treatment for Patients with Myasthenia Gravis. The 20th European Conference on GeneralThoracic Surgery, Essen, Germany, 2012.6.12
- 吉野一郎 「外科的病期診断と術後補助療法」Seminar of Surgical Oncology in Thoracic Surgery千葉 2012.7.13
- Tagawa T. Anti-Tumor Role of Interferon-Gamma Producing CD1D-Restricted NKT Cells in Murine Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma. iMig 2012 11th International Conference of the International Mesothelioma Interest Group. Boston U.S.A. 2012.9.12
- Mizobuchi T. Detection of restored lung by novel radiologic parameter in living lobar lung transplant donors. 第65回日本胸部外科学会 The 8th Lung Transplantation Concerence 福岡 2012.10.19
- 吉野一郎 「わが国の肺癌患者に術後補助化学療法は有効か?」肺癌集学的治療講演会 千葉 2012.11.16
- Yoshino I. Current Status of Surgical Managements for StageⅢLung Cancer in Japan. 5th APLCC 福岡 2012.11.28
- Nakajima T, Yasufuku K, Yoshino I. Current status and perspective of EBUS-TBNA. Gen Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. Feb 26. [Epub ahead of print] 2013.(2月)
- Yoshino I. Substantial risk affects the stage-dependent outcomes of cisplatin-based adjuvant chemotherapy for completely resected non-small cell lung cancer. Surg Today. Feb 11. Epub ahead of print, 2013.(2月)
- Sekine Y, Suzuki H, Yamada Y, Koh E, Yoshino I. Severity of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and its relationship to lung cancer prognosis after surgical resection. Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 61(2) :124-130, 2013. (3月)
- Guo F, Hiroshima K, Wu D, Satoh M, Abulazi M, Nomura F, Yoshino I, Tomonaga T, Nakatani Y. Prohibitin and its rapidly emerging role as a biomarker of systemic malignancies-Reply. Hum Pathol. Apr;44(4): 679-80. 2013.(4月)
- Watanabe SI, Asamura H, Miyaoka E, Okumura M, Yoshino I, Fujii Y, Nakanishi Y, Eguchi K, Mori M, Sawabata N, Yokoi K; for the Japanese Joint Committee of Lung Cancer Registry. Results of T4 Surgical Cases in the Japanese Lung Cancer Registry Study: Should Mediastinal Fat Tissue Invasion Really be Included in the T4 Category? J Thorac Oncol. Apr 19, Epub ahead of print] 2013.
- Sakurai H, Asamura H, Miyaoka E, Yoshino I, Fujii Y, Nakanishi Y, Eguchi K, Mori M, Sawabata N, Okumura M, Yokoi K; for the Japanese Joint Committee of Lung Cancer Registry. Differences in the prognosis of resected lung adenocarcinoma according to the histological subtype: a retrospective analysis of Japanese lung cancer registry data. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. May 31 [Epub ahead of print]
- Sakairi Y, Hoshino H, Fujiwara T, Nakajima T, Yasufuku K, Yoshida S, Yoshino I. Validation of EBUS-TBNA-integrated nodal staging in potentially node-positive non-small cell lung cancer. Gen Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. Jun 9 [Epub ahead of print] 2013.
- Watanabe SI, Asamura H, Miyaoka E, Okumura M, Yoshino I, Fujii Y, Nakanishi Y, Eguchi K, Mori M, Sawabata N, Yokoi K; for the Japanese Joint Committee of Lung Cancer Registry. Results of T4 Surgical Cases in the Japanese Lung Cancer Registry Study: Should Mediastinal Fat Tissue Invasion Really be Included in the T4 Category? J Thorac Oncol Jun;8(6): 759-765. 2013.
- Kometani T, Okamoto T, Yoshida S, Yoshino I. Acute respiratory distress syndrome after pulmonary resection. Gen Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. Jun 18. 'Epub ahead of print 2013.
- Mizobuchi T, Chen F, Yoshino I, Iwata T, Yoshida S, Bando T, Date H. Radiologic evaluation for volume and weight of remnant lung in living lung donors. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. Jul 13. pii: S0022-5223(13)00603-X. doi: 10.1016/j.jtcvs.2013.05.038. [Epub ahead of print] 2013.
- 田中 朝志, 吉野 一郎, 牧野 茂義, 勝俣 範之, 高橋 孝喜, 桑野 博行, 前原 喜彦, 西山 正彦. がん化学療法に伴う貧血に関する実態調査報告 日本輸血細胞治療学会誌 2013. 59巻1号 Page48-57. (2月).
- 杉山 幸比古, 本間 栄, 弦間 昭彦, 吉野 一郎. 間質性肺炎合併肺癌の課題と展望. 医薬ジャーナル 2013: 49巻3号 Page934-941. (3月)
- 溝渕輝明 「肺切除後の残存肺の新たなバイオロジーの探求:肺は肺切除にどのように反応するのか?」第113回日本外科学会定期学術集会 福岡 2013.4.11.
- 岩田剛和「特発性肺線維症合併肺癌に対する集学的治療」第113回日本外科学会定期学術集会 福岡 2013.4.11.
- 吉田成利「正岡分類Ⅲ期異常の進行期胸腺腫に対する外科的治療戦略」
- 第113回日本外科学会定期学術集会 福岡 2013.4.13.
- 鈴木秀海「肺移植における慢性拒絶反応の病態解明と臨床応用への可能性」
- 第113回日本外科学会定期学術集会 福岡 2013.4.13.
- 田川哲三「カナダにおける心臓死肺移植の現況」 第113回日本外科学会定期学術集会 福岡 2013.4.13.
- Mizobuchi T, F.Chen, Iwata T, Sato M, Aoyama A, Bando T, Suzuki H, Yamada Y,
- Tagawa T, Yoshida S, Date H, Yoshino I. “Detection of Restored Lung by Novel Radiologic Parameter in Living Lobar Lung Transplant Donors”. INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR HEART AND LUNG TRANSPLANTATION. Montreal Canada 2013.
- 溝渕輝明 「葉切除可能な非小細胞肺癌に対する縮小手術の成績」第30回日本呼吸器外科学会 名古屋 2013.5.9.
- Sakairi Y, Suzuki H, Yamada T, Tagawa T, Iwata T, Mizobuchi T, Yoshida S, Yoshino I. “INTRALOBAR SPREAD OF PRIMARY LUNG CANCER IS MOSTLY RETROGRADE EXTENSION FROM HILAR LEISION: A RATIONALLE OF RADICAL SEGMENTECTOMY”. 21st European Conference of General Thoracic Surgery, Birmingham, U.K. 2013.5.26-29.
- 吉野一郎「呼吸生理から見た肺移植」第2回千葉心臓・肺移植セミナー 千葉2013.6.7.
- 坂入祐一「難治性肺瘻に対する気管支充填術:PGAシートによる外科的塞栓子」
- 第36回日本呼吸器内視鏡学会学術集会 大宮 2013.6.20.
- 中島崇裕「EBUS-TBNA検体の遺伝子変異検索の手技の実際」第36回日本呼吸器内視鏡学会学術集会 大宮 2013.6.21.
- 鎌田稔子、吉田成利、上里昌成、鈴木秀海、岩田剛和、中島崇裕、田川哲三、溝渕輝明、松原久裕、吉野一郎. 「稀有な縦隔型気管支原性嚢胞の治療経験 ―治療戦略についての考察―」 第65回日本気管食道科学会総会ならびに学術講演会 品川 2013.10.31-2013.11.1
- Sakairi Y, Sato K, Itoga S, Saegusa F, Matsushita K, Nakajima T, Yoshida S, TakiguchiY,Nomura F, Yoshino I. Transbronchial biopsy needle rinse solution used for comprehensive biomarker testing in patients with lung cancer.J Thorac Oncol. 2014, 9(1): 26-32.
- Sakurai H, Asamura H, Miyaoka E, Yoshino I, Fujii Y, Nakanishi Y, Eguchi K, Mori M, Sawabata N, Okumura M, Yokoi K; Japanese Joint Committee of Lung Cancer Registry. Differences in the prognosis of resected lung adenocarcinoma according to the histological subtype: a retrospective analysis of Japanese lung cancer registry data. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2014, 45(1): 100-7.
- Yoshino I. Substantial risk affects the stage-dependent outcomes of cisplatin-based adjuvant chemotherapy for completely resected non-small cell lung cancer. Surg Today. 2014, 44(2): 302-6.
- Ohba T, Wada H, Yoshino I, Yoshida S, Tagawa T, Shoji F, Yamazaki K, Maehara Y. Increase of bone morphogenetic protein-7 expressing pulmonary resident cells in pneumonectomized rats. Surg Today. 2014, 44(2): 324-31.
- Inoue M, Okumura M, Sawabata N, Miyaoka E, Asamura H, Yoshino I, Tada H, Fujii Y, Nakanishi Y, Eguchi K, Mori M, Kobayashi H, Yokoi K.Clinicopathological characteristics and surgical results of lung cancer patients aged up to 50 years: the Japanese Lung Cancer Registry Study 2004. Lung Cancer. 2014, 83(2): 246-51.
- Yun T, Suzuki H, Tagawa T, Iwata T, Mizobuchi T, Yoshida S, Yamazaki M, Yoshino I. Cavernous hemangioma of the posterior mediastinum with bony invasion. Gen Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. Apr 18. Epub ahead of print, 2014
- Sakairi Y, Yoshino I, Yoshida S, Suzuki H, Tagawa T, Iwata T, Mizobuchi T. Pattern of metastasis outside tumor-bearing segments in primary lung cancer: rationale for segmentectomy. Ann Thorac Surg. 2014, 97(5): 1694-700.
- Okuda K, Yano M, Yoshino I, Okumura M, Higashiyama M, Suzuki K, Tsuchida M, Usuda J, Tateyama H. Thymoma patients with pleural dissemination: nationwide retrospective study of 136 cases in Japan. Ann Thorac Surg. 2014, 97(5): 1743-8.
- Nakajima T, Yasufuku K, Sakairi Y, Shibuya K, Yoshida S, Yoshino I. Successful Treatment of Lung Cancer by Multimodal Endobronchial Interventions. Respiration. May 15. Epub ahead of print, 2014
- Sato M, Okada Y, Oto T, Minami M, Shiraishi T, Nagayasu T, Yoshino I, Chida M, Okumura M, Date H, Miyoshi S, Kondo T; The Japanese Society of Lung and Heart–Lung Transplantation. Registry of the Japanese Society of Lung and Heart-Lung Transplantation: official Japanese lung transplantation report, 2014. Gen Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. May 20. Epub ahead of print, 2014
- Yamamoto T, Sakairi Y, Nakajima T, Suzuki H, Tagawa T, Iwata T, Mizobuchi T, Yoshida S, Nakatani Y, Yoshino I. Comparison between endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration and 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography in the diagnosis of postoperative nodal recurrence in patients with lung cancer. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. May 28. Epub ahead of print, 2014
- Nakajima T, Anayama T, Matsuda Y, Hwang DM, McVeigh PZ, Wilson BC, Zheng G, Keshavjee S, Yasufuku K. Orthotopic lung cancer murine model by nonoperative transbronchial approach. Ann Thorac Surg. 2014, 97(5): 1771-5.
- Sekine Y, Sakairi Y, Yoshino M, Koh E, Hata A, Suzuki H, Yoshino I. The impact of combined pulmonary fibrosis and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease on long-term survival after lung cancer surgery. Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2014, 62(4): 332-7.
- Tanaka K, Suzuki H, Nakajima T, Tagawa T, Iwata T, Mizobuchi T, Yoshida S, Yoshino I. Recurrent pneumothorax associated with bronchial atresia: report of a case. Surg Today. Aug 26. Epub ahead of print, 2014
- Takei H, Kondo H, Miyaoka E, Asamura H, Yoshino I, Date H, Okumura M, Tada H, Fujii Y, Nakanishi Y, Eguchi K, Dosaka-Akita H, Kobayashi H, Sawabata N, Yokoi K; Japanese Joint Committee of Lung Cancer Registry. Surgery for small cell lung cancer: a retrospective analysis of 243 patients from Japanese Lung Cancer Registry in 2004. J Thorac Oncol. 2014, 9(8): 1140-5.
- Hata A, Iwata T, Naito A, Takahashi Y, Takiguchi Y, Nakatani Y, Yoshida S, Yoshino I. A case of acute respiratory failure due to bronchial rupture of an intrapulmonary cyst. Emergency Medicine and Health Care 2052-6229 2014
- Iwata T, Yoshida S, Nagato K, Nakajima T, Suzuki H, Tagawa T, Mizobuchi T, Ota S, Nakatani Y, Yoshino I. Experience with perioperative pirfenidone for lung cancer surgery in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Surg Today. Nov 22. Epub ahead of print, 2014
- Tagawa T, Morimoto J, Yoshida S, Yoshino I. Sarcomatous components may predict prognosis in patients with pulmonary pleomorphic carcinoma. Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. Nov 25. Epub ahead of print, 2014
- Inage T, Nakajima T, Yoshida S, Yoshino I. Endobronchial elastography in theevaluation of esophageal invasion. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg.2014 Oct 22. Epub ahead of print, 2014
- Anayama T, Qiu J, Chan H, Nakajima T, Weersink R, Daly M, McConnell J, Waddell T, Keshavjee S, Jaffray D, Irish JC, Hirohashi K, Wada H, Orihashi K, Yasufuku K. Localization of pulmonary nodules using navigation bronchoscope and a near-infrared fluorescence thoracoscope. Ann Thorac Surg.Epub 2014 Nov 6
- van der Heijden EH, Casal RF, Trisolini R, Steinfort DP, Hwangbo B, Nakajima T, Guldhammer-Skov B, Rossi G, Ferretti M, Herth FF, Yung R, Krasnik M; World Association for Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology, Task Force on Specimen Guidelines. Guideline for the acquisition and preparation of conventional and endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration specimens for the diagnosis and molecular testing of patients with known or suspected lung cancer. Respiration. 2014, 88(6): 500-17
- Kimura H, Matsui Y, Ishikawa A, Nakajima T, Yoshino M, Sakairi Y. Randomized controlled phase III trial of adjuvant chemo-immunotherapy with activated killer T cells and dendritic cells in patients with resected primary lung cancer. Cancer Immunol Immunother. Epub 2014 Sep 28.
- Shingyoji M, Nakajima T, Yoshino M, Yoshida Y, Ashinuma H, Itakura M, Tatsumi K, Iizasa T. Endobronchial ultrasonography for positron emission tomography and computed tomography-negative lymph node staging in non-small cell lung cancer. Ann Thorac Surg. 2014 Nov;98(5):1762-7.
- Mizobuchi T, Wada H, Sakairi Y, Suzuki H, Nakajima T, Tagawa T, Iwata T, Motoori K, Yoshida S, Yoshino I. Spirometric and radiological evaluation of the remnant lung long after major pulmonary resection: can compensatory henomena be recognized in clinical cases? Surg Today. 2014 Sep;44(9):1735-43.
- Suzuki T, Tsushima K, Sakairi Y, Yoshida S, Yoshino I, Tatsumi K. Severe tracheobronchial stenosis and bronchiectasis complicating ulcerative colitis. Respirol Case Rep. 2014, 2(1):48-50.
- Sun Y, Furihata T, Ishii S, Nagai M, Harada M, Shimozato O, Kamijo T, Motohashi S, Yoshino I, Kamiichi A, Kobayashi K, Chiba K. Unique expression features of cancer-type organic anion transporting polypeptide 1B3 mRNA expression in human colon and lung cancers. Clin Transl Med. 2014, 3:37
- Kameyama K, Okumura N, Miyaoka E, Asamura H, Yoshino I, Tada H, Fujii Y, Nakanishi Y, Eguchi K, Mori M, Kobayashi H, Sawabata N, Okumura M, Yokoi K; Japanese Joint Committee of Lung Cancer Registry. Prognostic value of intraoperative pleural lavage cytology for non-small cell lung cancer: the influence of positive pleural lavage cytology results on T classification. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2014, 148(6): 2659-64.
- Tanaka A, Yoshino I, Makino S, Katsumata N, Takahashi K, Kuwano H, Maehara Y, Nishiyama M. Questionnaire-based survey on chemotherapy-induced anemia. Int J Clin Oncol. 2014, 19(3):411-20.
- Watanabe Y, Onodera A, Kanai U, Ichikawa T, Obata-Ninomiya K, Wada T, Kiuchi M, Iwamura C, Tumes DJ, Shinoda K, Yagi R, Motohashi S, Hirahara K, Nakayama T. Trithorax complex component Menin controls differentiation and maintenance of T helper 17 cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2014, 2 ;111(35):12829-34.
- 鈴木秀海, 尹 貴正, 森本淳一, 中島崇裕, 田川哲三, 岩田剛和, 溝渕輝明, 吉田成利, 中谷行雄, 吉野 一郎. 原発性胸壁腫瘍に対する外科治療 (特集 胸壁・横隔膜の手術(その1)) -- (外科治療と成績) 胸部外科 2014 67巻1号 Page21-62.
- 吉野 一郎. 本邦におけるがん化学療法に伴う貧血の現状と問題点 癌と化学療法 2014. 41巻4号 Page426-31.
- 中島崇裕 , 吉野一郎. 他科における最新の診断方法:―呼吸器内視鏡検査 最近の話題― 日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報 117(6), 761-768, 2014
- 溝渕 輝明 , 尹 貴正 , 鈴木 秀海 , 稲毛 輝長 , 山本 高義 , 鎌田 稔子 , 森本 淳一 , 中島 崇裕 , 岩田 剛和 , 田川 哲三 , 吉田 成利 , 吉野 一郎. 肺癌術直後の吸引痰サーベイランスは術後肺炎を予測できない:術後肺炎の危険因子の後方視的検討.日本呼吸器外科学会雑誌 2014. 28巻5号557-63.
- 中島 崇裕 , 吉野 一郎. 高出力レーザー・Argon plasma coagulation(APC). 気管支学 2014 36 巻4号, 437-40
- 藤原大樹、中島崇裕、柴光年、吉野一郎. EBUS-TBNAによる中枢気道周囲病変の診断について. 気管支学2014, 36巻5号 page 542-6.
- 島崎怜理、鈴木秀海、森本淳一、中島崇裕、田川哲三、岩田剛和、溝渕輝明、吉田成利、中谷行雄、吉野一郎.横隔膜原発性腫瘍と鑑別困難であった肝類上皮細胞肉芽腫 (特集 胸壁・横隔膜の手術(その2)) -- (腫瘍) 胸部外科2014 67巻11号, Page 990-4.
- 中島崇裕、吉野一郎 「肺癌」外科切除適応の境界領域―Boderline resectable cancerへの対応 がん種別の治療指針 第69巻第12号別冊
- 岩田剛和、吉野一郎 特集 かかりつけ医のための間質性肺炎診療の手引き 「外科的侵襲によって間質性肺炎は増悪するか」日本医師会雑誌 第143巻・第5号
- 中島 崇裕 , 吉野 一郎. 高出力レーザによる経気管支鏡的治療 (特集 先端医療を支えるレーザ技術(1)) 光アライアンス 2014 25巻4号, Page 1-4
- 田川哲三、吉野一郎「肺癌治療のレビューと手術療法」 画像診断34巻2号page143-152
- 吉田 成利,中島 崇裕,鎌田 稔子,吉野 一郎. 肺癌診療における超音波気管支内視鏡の役割 呼吸と循環 2014. 62巻4号 Page369-75.
- 岩田剛和、吉野一郎. 「呼吸器外科手術の周術期管理:合併症との戦い」ナースのためのパーフェクトガイド呼吸器外科の術前術後ケア Page59-70. メディカ出版2014年 東京
- 吉田成利、吉野一郎 「肺腫瘍」 良性腫瘍 呼吸器疾患診療最新ガイドライン 第1版第1刷 総合医学社、2014年 東京
- 吉野一郎「呼吸器外科における臨床研究:レジストリー研究か臨床試験か?」 Lung Cancer Cutting Edge 3月号 座談会 2014.12.7
- 中島崇裕「EBUS-TBNA/GS マニュアル(中国語版)」製作協力 OLYMPUS 2014.5.19
- Anayama T, Qiu J, Chan H, Nakajima T, Weersink R, Daly M, McConnell J, Waddell T, Keshavjee S, Jaffray D, Irish JC, Hirohashi K, Wada H, Orihashi K, Yasufuku K. Localization of pulmonary nodules using navigation bronchoscope and a near-infrared fluorescence thoracoscope. Ann Thorac Surg. 2015 Jan, 99(1):224-30.
- Kimura H, Matsui Y, Ishikawa A, Nakajima T, Yoshino M, Sakairi Y. Randomized controlled phase III trial of adjuvant chemo-immunotherapy with activated killer T cells and den dritic cells in patients with resected primary lung cancer. Cancer Immunol Immunother. 2015 Jan, 64(1):51-9.
- Wada H, Hirohashi K, Nakajima T, Anayama T, Kato T, Grindlay A, McConnell J, Yoshino I, Yasufuku K. Assessment of the new thin convex probe endobronchial ultrasound bronchoscope and the dedicated aspiration needle: a preliminary study in the porcine lung. J Bronchology Interv Pulmonol. 2015 Jan, 22(1):20-7.
- Yamamoto T, Sakairi Y, Nakajima T, Suzuki H, Tagawa T, Iwata T, Mizobuchi T,Yoshida S, Nakatani Y, Yoshino I. Comparison between endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration and 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography in the diagnosis of postoperative nodal recurrence in patients with lung cancer. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2015 Feb;47(2):234-8. doi: 10.1093/ejcts/ezu214. Epub 2014 May 28. PubMed PMID: 24872477.
- Yamada Y, Yoshida S, Iwata T, Suzuki H, Tagawa T, Mizobuchi T, Kawaguchi N, Yoshino I. Risk Factors for Developing Postthymectomy Myasthenia Gravis in Thymoma Patients. Ann Thorac Surg. 2015 Mar, 99(3):1013-9. doi: 10.1016/j.athoracsur.2014.10.068. Epub 2015 Jan 27
- Nakajima T, Cypel M, de Perrot M, Pierre A, Waddell T, Singer L, Roberts H, Keshavjee S, Yasufuku K. Retrospective Analysis of Lung Transplant Recipients Found to Have Unexpected Lung Cancer in Explanted Lungs. Semin Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2015 Spring, 27(1):9-14.
- Hirohashi K, Anayama T, Wada H, Nakajima T, Kato T, Keshavjee S, Orihashi K, Yasufuku K. Photothermal ablation of human lung cancer by low-power near-infrared laser and topical injection of indocyanine green. J Bronchology Interv Pulmonol. 2015 Apr, 22(2):99-106.
- Tagawa T, Suzuki H, Nakajima T, Iwata T, Mizobuchi T, Yoshida S, Yoshino I. Long-term outcomes of surgery for thymic carcinoma: experience of 25 cases at a single institution. Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2015 Apr, 63(3):212-6.
- Uzawa A, Kawaguchi N, Kanai T, Himuro K, Oda F, Yoshida S, Yoshino I, Kuwabara S. Two-year outcome of thymectomy in non-thymomatous late-onset myasthenia gravis. J Neurol. 2015 Apr, 262(4):1019-23.
- Wada H, Anayama T, Hirohashi K, Nakajima T, Kato T, Waddell TK, Keshavjee S, Yoshino I, Yasufuku K. Thoracoscopic ultrasonography for localization of subcentimetre lung nodules. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2015 Apr 7. pii: ezv124. Epub ahead of print
- Suzuki M, Yazawa T, Ota S, Morimoto J, Yoshino I, Yamanaka S, Inayama Y, Kawabata Y, Shimizu Y, Komatsu M, Notohara K, Koda K, Nakatani Y. High-grade fetal adenocarcinoma of the lung is a tumour with a fetal phenotype that shows diverse differentiation, including high-grade neuroendocrine carcinoma: a clinicopathological, immunohistochemical and mutational study of 20 cases. Histopathology. 2015 Apr 8. Epub ahead of print
- Hirohashi K, Anayama T, Wada H, Nakajima T, Kato T, Keshavjee S, Orihashi K, Yasufuku K. Photothermal ablation of human lung cancer by low-power near-infrared laser and topical injection of indocyanine green. J Bronchology Interv Pulmonol. 2015 Apr, 22(2):99-106.
- Suzuki K, Watanabe S, Mizusawa J, Moriya Y, Yoshino I, Tsuboi M, Mizutani T, Nakamura K, Tada H, Asamura H, Japan Lung Cancer Surgical Study Group (JCOG LCSSG). Predictors of non-neoplastic lesions in lung tumours showing ground-glass opacity on thin-section computed tomography based on a multi-institutional prospective study. Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg. 2015 May 18. pii: ivv124. [Epub ahead of print]
- Tanaka K, Nakajima T, Morimoto J, Yoshino I. Right lower sleeve lobectomy with double-barreled bronchoplasty for a centrally located lung cancer. Ann Thorac Surg. 2015 May, 99(5):1829.
- Yun T, Suzuki H, Mizobuchi T, Sakairi Y, Nagato K, Nakajima T, Iwata T, Yoshida S, Nakatani Y, Yoshino I. Late recurrence of a tumor of Ewing's sarcoma family of tumors: report of a case. Surg Case Rep. 2015, 1(1):37. Epub 2015 Apr 24.
- Wada H, Hirohashi K, Anayama T, Nakajima T, Kato T, Chan HH, Qiu J, Daly M, Weersink R, Jaffray DA, Irish JC, Waddell TK, Keshavjee S, Yoshino I, Yasufuku K. Minimally invasive electro-magnetic navigational bronchoscopy-integrated near-infrared-guided sentinel lymph node mapping in the porcine lung. PLoS One. 2015 May 20, 10(5):e0126945. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0126945. eCollection 2015
- Iida T, Shiba M, Yoshino I, Miyaoka E, Asamura H, Date H, Okumura M, Tada H, Nakanishi Y, Dosaka-Akita H, Kobayashi H, Takahashi K, Inoue M, Yokoi K, Japanese Joint Committee of Lung Cancer Registry. Surgical Intervention for Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer Patients with Pleural Carcinomatosis: Results From the Japanese Lung Cancer Registry in 2004. J Thorac Oncol. 2015 Jul, 10(7):1076-82.
- Nakajima T, Geddie W, Anayama T, Ko HM, da Cunha Santos G, Boerner S, Wang T, Wang YH, Li M, Pham NA, Tsao MS, Yasufuku K. Patient-derived tumor xenograft models established from samples obtained by endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration. Lung Cancer. 2015 Aug, 89(2):110-4. doi: 10.1016/j.lungcan.2015.05.018. Epub 2015 Jun 3.
- Yamamoto T, Suzuki H, Nagato K, Nakajima T, Iwata T, Yoshida S, Yoshino I. Is left upper lo-bectomy for lung cancer a risk factor for cerebral infarction? Surg Today. [Epub 2015 Aug 14.]
- Yamada Y, Yoshino I, Nakajima J, Miyoshi S, Ohnuki T, Suzuki M, Nagayasu T, Iwasaki A, Okumura M, Japanese Association for Research of the Thymus. Surgical Outcomes of Patients With Stage III Thymoma in the Japanese Nationwide Database. Ann Thorac Surg. 2015 Sep, 100(3):961-7. Epub 2015 Jul 7.
- Mizobuchi T, Yamamoto N, Nakajima M, Baba M, Miyoshi K, Nakayama H, Watanabe SI, Katoh R, Kohno T, Kamiyoshihara M, Nishio W, Kamada T, Fujisawa T, Yoshino I. Salvage surgery for local recurrence after carbon ion radiotherapy for patients with lung cancer. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2015 Oct 14. pii: ezv348.
- Nakajima T, Inage T, Sata Y, Morimoto J, Tagawa T, Suzuki H, Iwata T, Yoshida S, Nakatani Y, Yoshino I. Elastography for Predicting and Localizing Nodal Metastases during Endobronchial Ultrasound. Respiration. 2015;90(6):499-506."
- Iwata T, Nagato K, Nakajima T, Suzuki H, Yoshida S, Yoshino I. Risk factors predictive of atrial fibrillation after lung cancer surgery. Surg Today. 2015 Oct 15. "
- Takahashi R, Fujiwara T, Yamakawa H. Cavernostomy for Pulmonary Aspergillosis Associated with Destroyed Lung after Surgery for Lung Cancer: Report of 3 Cases. Case Rep Surg. 2015; [Epub 2015 Oct 20.]
- Wada H, Yasufuku K. Reply to Uramoto et al. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2015 Sep 28. pii: ezv343. [Epub ahead of print]
- Iwata T, Yoshida S, Nagato K, Nakajima T, Suzuki H, Tagawa T, Mizobuchi T, Ota S, Nakatani Y, Yoshino I. Experience with perioperative pirfenidone for lung cancer surgery in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Surg Today. 2015 Oct;45(10):1263-70. doi: 10.1007/s00595-014-1071-5. Epub 2014 Nov 22.
- Zheng J, Muhanna N, De Souza R, Wada H, Chan H, Akens MK, Anayama T, Yasufuku K, Serra S, Irish J, Allen C, Jaffray D. A multimodal nano agent for image-guided cancer surgery. Biomateri-als. 2015 Oct, 67:160-8
- Chuck NC, Boss A, Wurnig MC, Weiger M, Yamada Y, Jungraithmayr W. Ultra-short echo-time magnetic resonance imaging distinguishes ischemia/reperfusion injury from acute rejection in a mouse lung transplantation model. Transpl Int. 2015 Oct 7. [Epub ahead of print]
- Jang JH, Baerts L, Waumans Y, De Meester I, Yamada Y, Limani P, Gil-Bazo I, Weder W, Jungraithmayr W. Suppression of lung metastases by the CD26/DPP4 inhibitor Vildagliptin in mice. Clin Exp Metastasis. 2015 Oct;32(7):677-87.
- Yamada Y, Jang JH, De Meester I, Baerts L, Vliegen G, Inci I, Yoshino I, Weder W, Jungraithmayr W. CD26 costimulatory blockade improves lung allograft rejection and is associated with enhanced interleukin-10 expression. J Heart Lung Transplant. 2015 Nov 25. pii: S1053-2498(15)01519-3.
- Iwamoto Y, Mitsudomi T, Sakai K, Yamanaka T, Yoshioka H, Takahama M, Yoshimura M, Yoshino I, Takeda M, Sugawara S, Kawaguchi T, Takahashi T, Ohta M, Ichinose Y, Atagi S, Okada M, Saka H, Nakagawa K, Nakanishi Y, Nishio K. Randomized Phase II Study of Adjuvant Chemotherapy with Long-term S-1 versus Cisplatin+S-1 in Completely Resected Stage II-IIIA Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. Clin Cancer Res. 2015 Dec 1, 21(23):5245-52.
- Tagawa T, Iwata T, Nakajima T, Suzuki H, Yoshida S, Yoshino I. Evolution of a Lung-Sparing Strategy with Sleeve Lobectomy and Induction Therapy for Non-small Cell Lung Cancer: 20-Year Experience at a Single Institution. World J Surg. [Epub 2015 Dec 28.]
- Yamaguchi H, Kawazu M, Yasuda T, Soda M, Ueno T, Kojima S, Yashiro M, Yoshino I, Ishikawa Y, Sai E, Mano H. Transforming somatic mutations of mammalian target of rapamycin kinase in human cancer. Cancer Sci. 2015 Dec;106(12):1687-92.
- 藤原 大樹, 中島 崇裕, 高橋 亮, 岩田 剛和, 吉野 一郎. EBUS-TBNA検体での病理診断の検討 細胞診・組織診の特徴とその役割 気管支学 2015, 第37巻第1号 Page11-15.
- 藤原大樹, 中島崇裕, 豊田行英, 鎌田稔子, 石橋史博, 飯田智彦, 吉野一郎, 柴光年 . EBUS-TBNA(Endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration) 施行後の発熱に関する臨床的検討 気管支学 2015, 37巻1号 Page16-21.
- 吉野一郎 . 呼吸器外科領域の臨床研究 日本外科学会雑誌 2015, 116巻3号 Page214-216.
- 吉野一郎. 呼吸器外科領域の多施設臨床研究 日本から発信する肺癌外科治療 呼吸 2015, 34巻6号 Page560-566.
- 吉野 一郎. 外科臨床研究の実践 呼吸器外科領域の臨床研究 日本臨床外科学会雑誌 2015, 76巻5号 Page1244-1246.
- 佐藤 雅昭, 松田 芳, 岡田 克典, 大藤 剛宏, 南 正人, 山崎 直哉, 岩田 剛和, 吉野 一郎, 白石 武史, 千田 雅之, 永安 武, 奥村 明之進, 近藤 丘, 伊達 洋至, 三好 新一郎. 間質性肺炎、閉塞性細気管支炎の分類と本邦脳死肺移植登録患者の生存率の検討 日本呼吸器学会誌 2015, 4巻3号 Page210-215.
- 中島 崇裕, 吉野 一郎. EBUS(中枢) 気管支学 2015, 37巻4号 Page470-475.
- 田口 明美(ちば県民保健予防財団 病理・細胞診断科), 柴 光年, 沢田 ひとみ, 早田 篤子, 桑原 竹一郎, 渋谷 潔, 中谷 行雄, 中島 崇裕, 吉野 一郎, 藤澤 武彦. 肺がん検診喀痰細胞診で発見された頭頸部扁平上皮癌の検討(原著論文) 日本臨床細胞学会雑誌 2015, 54巻1号 Page8-15.
- 吉野 一郎. 差分解説「日本の肺癌外科治療の特徴」 日本医事新報 2015, No.4761Page54.
- 岩田 剛和, 吉野 一郎. 差分解説「間質性肺炎合併肺癌の治療」 日本医事新報 2015, No.4767 Page54.
- 吉田 成利, 吉野 一郎. 差分解説「胸腺上皮性腫瘍の治療」 日本医事新報 2015, No.4763 Page52.
- 中島 崇裕, 吉野 一郎. 差分解説「肺癌診療における気管支鏡の役割:インターベンションの適用」 日本医事新報 2015, No.4770 Page55.
- 鈴木 秀海, 吉野 一郎. 差分解説「肺切除後の代償性肺成長と肺再生医療の可能性」 日本医事新報 2015, No.4773 Page52.
- 長門 芳, 吉野 一郎. 差分解説「難治性肺瘻の臨床」 日本医事新報 2015, No.4775 Page56.
- 中島崇裕. 連載/行ってきました!海外留学(第14回)「カナダトロント総合病院」 胸部外科 2015, 68巻11号 Page938-939.
- 吉野一郎. 我が国における肺癌外科の現状と将来展望 日本癌治療学会誌 2015, 50巻2号 Page341-350.
- 岩田 剛和, 吉田 成利, 吉野 一郎. 間質性肺炎合併肺癌の外科治療 肺癌 2015, 55巻 Page830-2
- 吉野 一郎. My Photo Lung Cancer Cutting Edge 2015,64巻 Page6.
- 千代 雅子, 吉野 一郎. 第3章 診断法 第2節 肺生検 呼吸器疾患診療の最先端(先端医療シリーズ, 46) Page66-67 先端医療技術研究所 2015年 東京
- 吉田 成利, 吉野 一郎. 第5章 肺癌の外科治療&放射線治療 第4節IPF合併肺癌の術前ピルフェニドン導入療法 呼吸器疾患診療の最先端(先端医療シリーズ, 46) Page106-109 先端医療技術研究所 2015年 東京
- 鈴木 秀海, 吉野 一郎. 第9章 肺移植・肺再生 第6節 代償性肺成長と肺再生 呼吸器疾患診療の最先端(先端医療シリーズ, 46) Page209-211 先端医療技術研究所 2015年 東京
- 中島 崇裕, 稲毛 輝長, 吉野 一郎. 第10章 呼吸器内視鏡 第1節 EBUS-TBNA 呼吸器疾患診療の最先端(先端医療シリーズ, 46) Page216-219 先端医療技術研究所 2015年 東京
- 岩田 剛和, 吉野 一郎. 「特発性肺線維症とその周辺疾患」第4章 管理・治療 間質性肺癌の治療1.外科治療 最新醫學別冊 診断と治療ABC108 Page220-226 最新医学社 2015年 大阪
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- 中島 崇裕, 吉野 一郎 【胸部外科緊急手術のup to date】 気管・気管支・肺疾患 大量喀血 胸部外科 2015, 68巻8号 Page665-670 南江堂 2015年 東京
- 中島 崇裕, 吉野 一郎 【最新の肺がん治療】 治療 肺がんの手術療法 臨牀と研究 2015, 92巻7号 Page847-854 大道学館 2015年 福岡
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- 中島崇裕 オリンパスメディカルシステムズ 株式会社 EBUS症例ポスターの画像提供 2015年4月 東京