


  • 2019年
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  1. Imaoka H, Sasaki M, Takahashi H, Hashimoto Y, Ohno I, Mitsunaga S, Watanabe K, Umemoto K, Kimura G, Suzuki Y, Kan M, Ikeda M. Alternate Endpoints for Phase II Trials in Advanced Neuroendocrine Tumors. Oncologist. 2019 Jan;24(1):47-53.

  2. Nakamura M, Chiba T, Kanayama K, Kanzaki H, Saito T, Kusakabe Y, Kato N. Epigenetic dysregulation in hepatocellular carcinoma: an up-to-date review. Hepatol Res. 2019 Jan;49(1):3-13.

  3. Arai M, Matsumura T, Ohta Y, Kiyono S, Hayashi M, Taida T, Saito K, Okimoto K, Maruoka D, Nakagawa T, Katsuno T, Kato N, Takiguchi Y. Long-Term Prognosis of Patients with Obscure Gastrointestinal Bleeding: A Retrospective Cohort Study. Digestion. 2019;100(1):37-44.

  4. Aiso M, Takikawa H, Tsuji K, Kagawa T, Watanabe M, Tanaka A, Sato K, Sakisaka S, Hiasa Y, Takei Y, Ohira H, Ayada M, Hashimoto E, Kaneko S, Ueno Y, Ohmoto K, Takaki A, Torimura T, Matsuzaki Y, Tajiri K, Yoneda M, Ito T, Kato N, Ikejima K, Mochida S, Yasuda H, Sakamoto N. Analysis of 307 cases with drug-induced liver injury between 2010 and 2018 in Japan. Hepatol Res. 2019 Jan;49(1):105-110.

  5. Hitomi Y, Ueno K, Kawai Y, Nishida N, Kojima K, Kawashima M, Aiba Y, Nakamura H, Kouno H, Kouno H, Ohta H, Sugi K, Nikami T, Yamashita T, Katsushima S, Komeda T, Ario K, Naganuma A, Shimada M, Hirashima N, Yoshizawa K, Makita F, Furuta K, Kikuchi M, Naeshiro N, Takahashi H, Mano Y, Yamashita H, Matsushita K, Tsunematsu S, Yabuuchi I, Nishimura H, Shimada Y, Yamauchi K, Komatsu T, Sugimoto R, Sakai H, Mita E, Koda M, Nakamura Y, Kamitsukasa H, Sato T, Nakamuta M, Masaki N, Takikawa H, Tanaka A, Ohira H, Zeniya M, Abe M, Kaneko S, Honda M, Arai K, Arinaga-Hino T, Hashimoto E, Taniai M, Umemura T, Joshita S, Nakao K, Ichikawa T, Shibata H, Takaki A, Yamagiwa S, Seike M, Sakisaka S, Takeyama Y, Harada M, Senju M, Yokosuka O, Kanda T, Ueno Y, Ebinuma H, Himoto T, Murata K, Shimoda S, Nagaoka S, Abiru S, Komori A, Migita K, Ito M, Yatsuhashi H, Maehara Y, Uemoto S, Kokudo N, Nagasaki M, Tokunaga K, Nakamura M. POGLUT1, the putative effector gene driven by rs2293370 in primary biliary cholangitis susceptibility locus chromosome 3q13.33. Sci Rep. 2019 Jan 14;9(1):102.

  6. Fujiwara K, Abe R, Yasui S, Yokosuka O, Kato N, Oda S. High recovery rate of consciousness by high-volume filtrate hemodiafiltration for fulminant hepatitis. Hepatol Res. 2019 Feb;49(2):224-231.

  7. Arai M, Maruta S, Fan MM, Imai C, Tawada A, Takiguchi Y. Simultaneous chylous ascites and chylothorax during ramucirumab plus docetaxel chemotherapy in a patient with non-small lung cell cancer. Int Cancer Conf J. 2019 Feb 25;8(3):114-117.

  8. Sasaki R, Meyer K, Moriyama M, Kato N, Yokosuka O, Ray RB, Aurora R, Ray R, Kanda T. Rapid hepatitis C virus clearance by antivirals correlates with immune status of infected patients. J Med Virol. 2019 Mar;91(3):411-418.

  9. Suzuki Y, Kan M, Kimura G, Umemoto K, Watanabe K, Sasaki M, Takahashi H, Hashimoto Y, Imaoka H, Ohno I, Mitsunaga S, Ikeda M. Predictive factors of the treatment outcome in patients with advanced biliary tract cancer receiving gemcitabine plus cisplatin as first-line chemotherapy. J Gastroenterol. 2019 Mar;54(3):281-290.

  10. Kanda T, Lau GKK, Wei L, Moriyama M, Yu ML, Chuang WL, Ibrahim A, Lesmana CRA, Sollano J, Kumar M, Jindal A, Sharma BC, Hamid SS, Dokmeci AK, Mamun-Al-Mahtab, McCaughan GW, Wasim J, Crawford DHG, Kao JH, Yokosuka O, Sarin SK, Omata M. APASL clinical practice recommendation: how to treat HCV-infected patients with renal impairment? Hepatol Int. 2019 Mar;13(2):103-109.

  11. Hayashi H, Kurata T, Takiguchi Y, Arai M, Takeda K, Akiyoshi K, Matsumoto K, Onoe T, Mukai H, Matsubara N, Minami H, Toyoda M, Onozawa Y, Ono A, Fujita Y, Sakai K, Koh Y, Takeuchi A, Ohashi Y, Nishio K, Nakagawa K. Randomized Phase II Trial Comparing Site-Specific Treatment Based on Gene Expression Profiling With Carboplatin and Paclitaxel for Patients With Cancer of Unknown Primary Site. J Clin Oncol. 2019 Mar 1;37(7):570-579.

  12. Sasaki R, Kanda T, Yokosuka O, Kato N, Matsuoka S, Moriyama M. Exosomes and Hepatocellular Carcinoma: From Bench to Bedside. Int J Mol Sci. 2019 Mar 20;20(6):1406.

  13. Tateishi R, Uchino K, Fujiwara N, Takehara T, Okanoue T, Seike M, Yoshiji H, Yatsuhashi H, Shimizu M, Torimura T, Moriyama M, Sakaida I, Okada H, Chiba T, Chuma M, Nakao K, Isomoto H, Sasaki Y, Kaneko S, Masaki T, Chayama K, Koike K. A nationwide survey on non-B, non-C hepatocellular carcinoma in Japan: 2011-2015 update. J Gastroenterol. 2019 Apr;54(4):367-376.

  14. Kanayama K, Chiba T, Oshima M, Kanzaki H, Koide S, Saraya A, Miyagi S, Mimura N, Kusakabe Y, Saito T, Ogasawara S, Suzuki E, Ooka Y, Maruyama H, Iwama A, Kato N. Genome-Wide Mapping of Bivalent Histone Modifications in Hepatic Stem/Progenitor Cells. Stem Cells Int. 2019 Apr 1;2019:9789240.

  15. Kimura S, Kobayashi N, Nakamura Y, Kanaya T, Takahashi D, Fujiki R, Mutoh M, Obata Y, Iwanaga T, Nakagawa T, Kato N, Sato S, Kaisho T, Ohno H, Hase K. Sox8 is essential for M cell maturation to accelerate IgA response at the early stage after weaning in mice. J Exp Med. 2019 Apr 1;216(4):831-846.

  16. Chiba T, Hiraoka A, Mikami S, Shinozaki M, Osaki Y, Obu M, Ohki T, Mita N, Ledesma D, Yoshihara N, Beusterien K, Amos K, Bridges JF, Yokosuka O. Japanese patient preferences regarding intermediate to advanced hepatocellular carcinoma treatments. Patient Prefer Adherence. 2019 Apr 30;13:637-647.

  17. Ohta Y, Arai M, Nakagawa T, Akizue N, Ishikawa K, Hamanaka S, Koseki H, Taida T, Okimoto K, Saito K, Yoshihama S, Maruoka D, Matsumura T, Katsuno T, Kato N. Comparison of a novel predictor of venous thromboembolic complications in inflammatory bowel disease with current predictors. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2019 May;34(5):870-879.

  18. Nakagomi R, Tateishi R, Masuzaki R, Soroida Y, Iwai T, Kondo M, Fujiwara N, Sato M, Minami T, Uchino K, Enooku K, Nakagawa H, Asaoka Y, Kondo Y, Tanaka Y, Otsuka M, Kato N, Moriya K, Ikeda H, Koike K. Liver stiffness measurements in chronic hepatitis C: Treatment evaluation and risk assessment. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2019 May;34(5):921-928.

  19. Hidaka H, Izumi N, Aramaki T, Ikeda M, Inaba Y, Imanaka K, Okusaka T, Kanazawa S, Kaneko S, Kora S, Saito H, Furuse J, Matsui O, Yamashita T, Yokosuka O, Morita S, Arioka H, Kudo M, Arai Y. Subgroup analysis of efficacy and safety of orantinib in combination with TACE in Japanese HCC patients in a randomized phase III trial (ORIENTAL). Med Oncol. 2019 May 3;36(6):52.

  20. Hayashi M, Mikata R, Horikoshi T, Senoo J, Kusakabe Y, Ohyama H, Yasui S, Uchida Y, Uchiyama K, Kishimoto T, Yoshitomi H, Ohtsuka M, Tsuyuguchi T, Kato N. Diffusion-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging and 18-Fluorodeoxglucose Positron Emission Tomography With Computed Tomography for Evaluating Malignancy of Branch Duct and Mixed Type Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasms of the Pancreas. Pancreas. 2019 May/Jun;48(5):e43-e45.

  21. Maruyama H, Kato N. Advances in ultrasound diagnosis in chronic liver diseases. Clin Mol Hepatol. 2019 Jun;25(2):160-167.

  22. Nakagawa R, Muroyama R, Saeki C, Oikawa T, Kaise Y, Koike K, Arai J, Nakano M, Matsubara Y, Takano K, Hirata Y, Saruta M, Zeniya M, Kato N. CD4+ T cells from patients with primary biliary cholangitis show T cell activation and differentially expressed T-cell receptor repertoires. Hepatol Res. 2019 Jun;49(6):653-662.

  23. Devarbhavi H, Choudhury AK, Sharma MK, Maiwall R, Al Mahtab M, Rahman S, Chawla YK, Dhiman RK, Duseja A, Taneja S, Ning Q, Jia JD, Duan Z, Yu C, Eapen CE, Goel A, Tan SS, Hamid SS, Butt AS, Jafri W, Kim DJ, Hu J, Sood A, Midha V, Shukla A, Ghazinian H, Sahu MK, Treeprasertsuk S, Lee GH, Lim SG, Lesmana LA, Lesmana CR, Shah S, Kalal C, Abbas Z, Sollano JD, Prasad VGM, Payawal DA, Dokmeci AK, Rao PN, Shrestha A, Lau GK, Yuen MF, Saraswat VA, Shiha G, Yokosuka O, Kedarisetty CK, Jain P, Bhatia P, Sarin SK; APASL ACLF working party. Drug-Induced Acute-on-Chronic Liver Failure in Asian Patients. Am J Gastroenterol. 2019 Jun;114(6):929-937.

  24. Sarin SK, Choudhury A, Sharma MK, Maiwall R, Al Mahtab M, Rahman S, Saigal S, Saraf N, Soin AS, Devarbhavi H, Kim DJ, Dhiman RK, Duseja A, Taneja S, Eapen CE, Goel A, Ning Q, Chen T, Ma K, Duan Z, Yu C, Treeprasertsuk S, Hamid SS, Butt AS, Jafri W, Shukla A, Saraswat V, Tan SS, Sood A, Midha V, Goyal O, Ghazinyan H, Arora A, Hu J, Sahu M, Rao PN, Lee GH, Lim SG, Lesmana LA, Lesmana CR, Shah S, Prasad VGM, Payawal DA, Abbas Z, Dokmeci AK, Sollano JD, Carpio G, Shresta A, Lau GK, Fazal Karim M, Shiha G, Gani R, Kalista KF, Yuen MF, Alam S, Khanna R, Sood V, Lal BB, Pamecha V, Jindal A, Rajan V, Arora V, Yokosuka O, Niriella MA, Li H, Qi X, Tanaka A, Mochida S, Chaudhuri DR, Gane E, Win KM, Chen WT, Rela M, Kapoor D, Rastogi A, Kale P, Rastogi A, Sharma CB, Bajpai M, Singh V, Premkumar M, Maharashi S, Olithselvan A, Philips CA, Srivastava A, Yachha SK, Wani ZA, Thapa BR, Saraya A, Shalimar, Kumar A, Wadhawan M, Gupta S, Madan K, Sakhuja P, Vij V, Sharma BC, Garg H, Garg V, Kalal C, Anand L, Vyas T, Mathur RP, Kumar G, Jain P, Pasupuleti SSR, Chawla YK, Chowdhury A, Alam S, Song DS, Yang JM, Yoon EL; APASL ACLF Research Consortium (AARC) for APASL ACLF working Party. Acute-on-chronic liver failure: consensus recommendations of the Asian Pacific association for the study of the liver (APASL): an update. Hepatol Int. 2019 Jul;13(4):353-390.

  25. Kan M, Hashimoto Y, Shibuki T, Kimura G, Umemoto K, Watanabe K, Sasaki M, Takahashi H, Imaoka H, Ohno I, Mitsunaga S, Ikeda M. Conversion of percutaneous cholecystostomy to transmural endoscopic ultrasound-guided gallbladder drainage in malignant biliary obstruction. Int J Gastrointest Interv. 2019;8:87-91.

  26. Hamanaka S, Nakagawa T, Ota S, Iida M, Ohta Y, Isshiki Y, Kasamatsu S, Ishigami H, Taida T, Okimoto K, Saito K, Maruoka D, Matsumura T, Ohwada C, Takeuchi M, Sakaida E, Arai M, Katsuno T, Nakaseko C, Nakatani Y, Kato N. Immunomodulator-associated Epstein-Barr virus-positive mucocutaneous ulcer in a patient with refractory Crohn's disease. Clin J Gastroenterol. 2019 Aug;12(4):330-335.

  27. Fujiwara K, Nakano M, Yasui S, Yokosuka O, Kato N. Letter to the Editor: Ductular Reaction in Acute Onset Autoimmune Hepatitis. Hepatology. 2019 Aug;70(2):756-757.

  28. Suzuki E, Bridgewater J. Adjuvant therapy for resected gallbladder cancer. Chin Clin Oncol. 2019 Aug;8(4):39.

  29. Miksad RA, Ogasawara S, Xia F, Fellous M, Piscaglia F. Liver function changes after transarterial chemoembolization in US hepatocellular carcinoma patients: the LiverT study. BMC Cancer. 2019 Aug 13;19(1):795.

  30. Kanda T, Ogawa M, Nakamoto S, Haga Y, Sasaki R, Nakamura M, Wu S, Matsumoto N, Matsuoka S, Kato N, Shirasawa H, Yokosuka O, Okamoto H. Superinfection of hepatitis A virus in hepatocytes infected with hepatitis B virus. Int J Med Sci. 2019 Sep 20;16(10):1366-1370.

  31. Fujiwara K, Yasui S, Yokosuka O, Kato N. Acute Severe Autoimmune Hepatitis: Corticosteroids or Liver Transplantation? Liver Transpl. 2019 Sep;25(9):1455-1456.

  32. Okimoto K, Arai M, Ishigami H, Taida T, Saito K, Maruoka D, Matsumura T, Nakagawa T, Katsuno T. Renal Dysfunction is a Risk Factor of Death after Gastric Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection in Elderly Patients Aged ≥80 Years. Can J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2019 Sep 9;2019:7145182.

  33. Takahashi K, Nihei T, Aoki Y, Nakagawa M, Konno N, Munakata A, Okawara K, Kashimura H. Spontaneous rectus sheath hematoma associated with warfarin administration: a case report. J Rural Med. 2019 Nov;14(2):245-248.

  34. Maruoka D, Kishimoto T, Matsumura T, Arai M, Akizue N, Ishikawa K, Ohta Y, Kasamatsu S, Taida T, Ishigami H, Okimoto K, Saito K, Nakagawa T, Kato N. Underwater cold snare polypectomy for colorectal adenomas. Dig Endosc. 2019 Nov;31(6):662-671.

  35. Okamoto N, Morimoto H, Yamamoto Y, Kanda K, Nankinzan R, Kasamatsu S, Yoshimura S, Kan M, Nakano A, Hosaka S, Watanabe Y, Arahata K, Toyama Y, Okamura A, Yamaguchi T, Yano T. Skill-up study of systemic endoscopic examination technique using narrow band imaging of the head and neck region of patients with esophageal squamous cell carcinoma: Prospective multicenter study. Dig Endosc. 2019 Nov;31(6):653-661.

  36. Ueshima K, Chiba Y, Ogasawara S, Obi S, Izumi N, Aikata H, Nagano H, Hatano E, Sasaki Y, Hino K, Kumada T, Yamamoto K, Imai Y, Iwadou S, Ogawa C, Okusaka T, Kanai F. Objective Response by mRECIST Is an Independent Prognostic Factor for Overall Survival in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Treated with Sorafenib in the SILIUS Trial. Liver Cancer. 2019 Nov;8(6):505-519.

  37. Takahashi K, Nihei T, Aoki Y, Nakagawa M, Konno N, Munakata A, Okawara K, Kashimura H. Efficacy and safety of therapeutic endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography in patients with native papillae with a performance status score of 3 or 4: A single-center retrospective study. J Rural Med. 2019 Nov;14(2):226-230.

  38. Maruyama H, Kobayashi K, Kiyono S, Ogasawara S, Ooka Y, Suzuki E, Chiba T, Kato N, Komiyama Y, Takawa M, Nagamatsu H, Shiina S. Incidence and hemodynamic feature of risky esophageal varices with lower hepatic venous pressure gradient. Int J Med Sci. 2019 Nov 9;16(12):1614-1620.

  39. Maeda T, Kanzaki H, Chiba T, Ao J, Kanayama K, Maruta S, Kusakabe Y, Saito T, Kobayashi K, Kiyono S, Nakamura M, Ogasawara S, Suzuki E, Ooka Y, Nakamoto S, Nakagawa R, Muroyama R, Kanda T, Maruyama H. Serum fibroblast growth factor 19 serves as a potential novel biomarker for hepatocellular carcinoma. BMC Cancer. 2019 Nov 12;19(1):1088.

  40. Ryoo BY, Merle P, Kudo M, Bouattour M, Lim HY, Breder V, Edeline J, Chao Y, Ogasawara S, Yau T, Garrido M, Chan SL, Knox J, Daniele B, Ebbinghaus SW, Chen E, Siegel AB, Zhu AX; KEYNOTE-240 investigators. Pembrolizumab As Second-Line Therapy in Patients With Advanced Hepatocellular Carcinoma in KEYNOTE-240: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Phase III Trial. J Clin Oncol. 2020 Jan 20;38(3):193-202

  41. Rizk M, Rizq O, Oshima M, Nakajima-Takagi Y, Koide S, Saraya A, Isshiki Y, Chiba T, Yamazaki S, Ma A, Jin J, Iwama A, Mimura N. Akt inhibition synergizes with polycomb repressive complex 2 inhibition in the treatment of multiple myeloma. Cancer Sci. 2019 Dec;110(12):3695-3707.

  42. Yasutomi E, Hiraoka S, Yamamoto S, Oka S, Hirai M, Yamasaki Y, Inokuchi T, Kinugasa H, Takahara M, Harada K, Kato J, Okada H. Switching between Three Types of Mesalazine Formulation and Sulfasalazine in Patients with Active Ulcerative Colitis Who Have Already Received High-Dose Treatment with These Agents. J Clin Med. 2019 Dec 2;8(12):2109.

  43. Tenno M, Wong AYW, Ikegaya M, Miyauchi E, Seo W, See P, Kato T, Taida T, Ohno-Oishi M, Ohno H, Yoshida H, Ginhoux F, Taniuchi I. Essential functions of Runx/Cbfβ in gut conventional dendritic cells for priming Rorγt+ T cells. Life Sci Alliance. 2019 Dec 9;3(1):e201900441.


  1. Okimoto K, Arai M, Ishigami H, Saito K, Minemura S, Maruoka D, Matsumura T, Nakagawa T, Katsuno T, Suzuki M, Nakatani Y, Yokosuka O. A Prospective Study of Eosinophilic Esophagitis and the Expression of Tight Junction Proteins in Patients with Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Symptoms. Gut Liver. 2018 Jan 15;12(1):30-37.

  2. Sugiyama H, Tsuyuguchi T, Sakai Y, Mikata R, Yasui S, Watanabe Y, Sakamoto D, Nakamura M, Nishikawa T. Transpancreatic precut papillotomy versus double-guidewire technique in difficult biliary cannulation: prospective randomized study. Endoscopy. 2018 Jan;50(1):33-39.

  3. Matsumoto A, Nishiguchi S, Enomoto H, Kang JH, Tanaka Y, Shinkai N, Kurosaki M, Enomoto M, Kanda T, Yokosuka O, Yatsuhashi H, Nagaoka S, Okuse C, Kagawa T, Mine T, Takaguchi K, Saito S, Hino K, Ikeda F, Sakisaka S, Morihara D, Miyase S, Tsuge M, Chayama K, Hiramatsu N, Suzuki Y, Murata K, Tanaka E. Combinational use of hepatitis B viral antigens predicts responses to nucleos(t)ide analogue/peg-interferon sequential therapy. J Gastroenterol. 2018 Feb;53(2):247-257.

  4. Ikeda M, Kudo M, Aikata H, Nagamatsu H, Ishii H, Yokosuka O, Torimura T, Morimoto M, Ikeda K, Kumada H, Sato T, Kawai I, Yamashita T, Horio H, Okusaka T; Miriplatin TACE Study Group. Transarterial chemoembolization with miriplatin vs. epirubicin for unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma: a phase III randomized trial. J Gastroenterol. 2018 Feb;53(2):281-290.

  5. Ogasawara S, Chiba T, Ooka Y, Kanogawa N, Motoyama T, Suzuki E, Tawada A, Nagai K, Nakagawa T, Sugawara T, Hanaoka H, Kanai F, Yokosuka O. A randomized placebo-controlled trial of prophylactic dexamethasone for transcatheter arterial chemoembolization. Hepatology. 2018 Feb;67(2):575-585.

  6. Kanaya T, Sakakibara S, Jinnohara T, Hachisuka M, Tachibana N, Hidano S, Kobayashi T, Kimura S, Iwanaga T, Nakagawa T, Katsuno T, Kato N, Akiyama T, Sato T, Williams IR, Ohno H. Development of intestinal M cells and follicle-associated epithelium is regulated by TRAF6-mediated NF-κB signaling. J Exp Med. 2018 Feb 5;215(2):501-519.

  7. Kanda T, Yasui S, Nakamura M, Nakamoto S, Takahashi K, Wu S, Sasaki R, Haga Y, Ogasawara S, Saito T, Kobayashi K, Kiyono S, Ooka Y, Suzuki E, Chiba T, Maruyama H, Imazeki F, Moriyama M, Kato N. Interferon-free treatment for patients with chronic hepatitis C and autoimmune liver disease: higher SVR rates with special precautions for deterioration of autoimmune hepatitis. Oncotarget. 2018 Feb 3;9(14):11631-11637.

  8. Matsumura T, Arai M, Ishigami H, Fujie M, Ishikawa K, Akizue N, Taida T, Ohta Y, Hamanaka S, Okimoto K, Saito K, Maruoka D, Nakagawa T, Kato N. Evaluation of Esophageal Mucosal Integrity in Patients with Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease. Digestion. 2018;97(1):31-37.

  9. Senoo J, Mikata R, Kishimoto T, Hayashi M, Kusakabe Y, Yasui S, Yamato M, Ohyama H, Sugiyama H, Tsuyuguchi T, Yoshitomi H, Ohtsuka M, Maeda J, Ota S, Nakatani Y, Kato N. Immunohistochemical analysis of IMP3 and p53 expression in endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration and resected specimens of pancreatic diseases. Pancreatology. 2018 Mar;18(2):176-183.

  10. Piscaglia F, Ogasawara S. Patient Selection for Transarterial Chemoembolization in Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Importance of Benefit/Risk Assessment. Liver Cancer. 2018 Mar;7(1):104-119.

  11. Nakayama N, Uemura H, Uchida Y, Tomiya T, Ido A, Inoue K, Genda T, Takikawa Y, Sakaida I, Terai S, Yokosuka O, Shimizu M, Takikawa H, Mochida S. A multicenter pilot survey to clarify the clinical features of patients with acute-on-chronic liver failure in Japan. Hepatol Res. 2018 Mar;48(4):303-312.

  12. Mochida S, Nakayama N, Ido A, Inoue K, Genda T, Takikawa Y, Sakaida I, Terai S, Yokosuka O, Shimizu M, Takikawa H. Proposed diagnostic criteria for acute-on-chronic liver failure in Japan. Hepatol Res. 2018 Mar;48(4):219-224.

  13. Fujiwara K, Fukuda Y, Seza K, Saito M, Yasui S, Nakano M, Yokosuka O, Kato N. Long-term observation of acute-onset autoimmune hepatitis presenting clinically and radiologically as acute hepatitis. Hepatol Int. 2018 Mar;12(2):191-199.

  14. Kanda T, Yasui S, Nakamura M, Nakamoto S, Takahashi K, Wu S, Sasaki R, Haga Y, Ogasawara S, Saito T, Kobayashi K, Kiyono S, Ooka Y, Suzuki E, Chiba T, Maruyama H, Moriyama M, Kato N. Successful retreatment with grazoprevir and elbasvir for patients infected with hepatitis C virus genotype 1b, who discontinued prior treatment with NS5A inhibitor-including regimens due to adverse events. Oncotarget. 2018 Mar 23;9(22):16263-16270.

  15. Ogasawara S, Chiba T, Ooka Y, Suzuki E, Maeda T, Yokoyama M, Wakamatsu T, Inoue M, Saito T, Kobayashi K, Kiyono S, Nakamura M, Nakamoto S, Yasui S, Tawada A, Arai M, Kanda T, Maruyama H, Yokosuka O, Kato N. Characteristics of patients with sorafenib-treated advanced hepatocellular carcinoma eligible for second-line treatment. Invest New Drugs. 2018 Apr;36(2):332-339.

  16. Suzuki E, Kaneko S, Okusaka T, Ikeda M, Yamaguchi K, Sugimoto R, Aramaki T, Asagi A, Yasui K, Sano K, Hosokawa A, Kato N, Ishii H, Sato T, Furuse J. A multicenter Phase II study of sorafenib in Japanese patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma and Child Pugh A and B class. Jpn J Clin Oncol. 2018 Apr 1;48(4):317-321.

  17. Goto K, Arai J, Stephanou A, Kato N. Novel therapeutic features of disulfiram against hepatocellular carcinoma cells with inhibitory effects on a disintegrin and metalloproteinase 10. Oncotarget. 2018 Apr 10;9(27):18821-18831.

  18. Ishikawa K, Chiba T, Ooka Y, Suzuki E, Ogasawara S, Maeda T, Yokoyama M, Inoue M, Wakamatsu T, Kusakabe Y, Saito T, Tawada A, Arai M, Kanda T, Maruyama H, Imazeki F, Kato N. Transarterial chemoembolization as a substitute to radiofrequency ablation for treating Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer stage 0/A hepatocellular carcinoma. Oncotarget. 2018 Apr 20;9(30):21560-21568.

  19. Kobayashi K, Maruyama H, Kiyono S, Ogasawara S, Suzuki E, Ooka Y, Chiba T, Kato N, Yamaguchi T. Application of transcutaneous ultrasonography for the diagnosis of muscle mass loss in patients with liver cirrhosis. J Gastroenterol. 2018 May;53(5):652-659.

  20. Arai J, Goto K, Stephanou A, Tanoue Y, Ito S, Muroyama R, Matsubara Y, Nakagawa R, Morimoto S, Kaise Y, Lim LA, Yoshida H, Kato N. Predominance of regorafenib over sorafenib: Restoration of membrane-bound MICA in hepatocellular carcinoma cells. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2018 May;33(5):1075-1081.

  21. Maruyama H, Kobayashi K, Kiyono S, Ogasawara S, Ooka Y, Suzuki E, Chiba T, Kato N. Left gastric vein-based noninvasive test for esophageal varices: a same-day comparison of portal hemodynamic assessment with endoscopic appearance. Clin Transl Gastroenterol. 2018 May 25;9(5):154.

  22. Sawai H, Nishida N, Khor SS, Honda M, Sugiyama M, Baba N, Yamada K, Sawada N, Tsugane S, Koike K, Kondo Y, Yatsuhashi H, Nagaoka S, Taketomi A, Fukai M, Kurosaki M, Izumi N, Kang JH, Murata K, Hino K, Nishina S, Matsumoto A, Tanaka E, Sakamoto N, Ogawa K, Yamamoto K, Tamori A, Yokosuka O, Kanda T, Sakaida I, Itoh Y, Eguchi Y, Oeda S, Mochida S, Yuen MF, Seto WK, Poovorawan Y, Posuwan N, Mizokami M, Tokunaga K. Genome-wide association study identified new susceptible genetic variants in HLA class I region for hepatitis B virus-related hepatocellular carcinoma. Sci Rep. 2018 May 21;8(1):7958.

  23. Oide T, Kan M, Masunaga A, Nishino T, Hiroshima K. Histopathology of immature (ongoing) squamous metaplasia of the stomach. Pathol Int. 2018 May;68(5):318-320.

  24. Nakao M, Nakayama N, Uchida Y, Tomiya T, Ido A, Sakaida I, Yokosuka O, Takikawa Y, Inoue K, Genda T, Shimizu M, Terai S, Tsubouchi H, Takikawa H, Mochida S. Nationwide survey for acute liver failure and late-onset hepatic failure in Japan. J Gastroenterol. 2018 Jun;53(6):752-769.

  25. Fujiwara K, Yasui S, Haga Y, Nakamura M, Yonemitsu Y, Arai M, Kanda T, Oda S, Yokosuka O, Kato N. Early Combination Therapy with Corticosteroid and Nucleoside Analogue Induces Rapid Resolution of Inflammation in Acute Liver Failure due to Transient Hepatitis B Virus Infection. Intern Med. 2018 Jun 1;57(11):1543-1552.

  26. Takahashi K, Mikata R, Tsuyuguchi T, Kumagai J, Nakamura M, Iino Y, Shingyoji A, Yamato M, Ohyama H, Kusakabe Y, Yasui S, Sugiyama H, Kishimoto T, Nakatani Y, Kato N. Granular cell tumor of the pancreas diagnosed by endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration. Clin J Gastroenterol. 2018 Jun;11(3):193-199.

  27. Rigamonti C, Ogasawara S. Hepatocellular carcinoma after direct-acting antiviral agents: Can liver stiffness kinetics help identify patients at lower risk? Dig Liver Dis. 2018 Jun;50(6):580-582.

  28. Kudo M, Ueshima K, Yokosuka O, Ogasawara S, Obi S, Izumi N, Aikata H, Nagano H, Hatano E, Sasaki Y, Hino K, Kumada T, Yamamoto K, Imai Y, Iwadou S, Ogawa C, Okusaka T, Kanai F, Akazawa K, Yoshimura KI, Johnson P, Arai Y; SILIUS study group. Sorafenib plus low-dose cisplatin and fluorouracil hepatic arterial infusion chemotherapy versus sorafenib alone in patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma (SILIUS): a randomised, open label, phase 3 trial. Lancet Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2018 Jun;3(6):424-432.

  29. Takahashi K, Tsuyuguchi T, Saiga A, Horikoshi T, Ooka Y, Sugiyama H, Nakamura M, Kumagai J, Yamato M, Iino Y, Shingyoji A, Ohyama H, Yasui S, Mikata R, Sakai Y, Kato N. Risk factors of ineffective drainage in uncovered self-expandable metal stenting for unresectable malignant hilar biliary strictures. Oncotarget. 2018 Jun 15;9(46):28185-28194.

  30. Suzuki Y, Mori T, Yokoyama M, Kim S, Momose H, Matsuki R, Kogure M, Abe N, Isayama H, Nakazawa T, Notohara K, Tanaka A, Tsuyuguchi T, Tazuma S, Takikawa H, Sugiyama M. A proposed severity classification system for hepatolithiasis based on an analysis of prognostic factors in a Japanese patient cohort. J Gastroenterol. 2018 Jul;53(7):854-860.

  31. Maruoka D, Arai M, Akizue N, Ishikawa K, Kasamatsu S, Taida T, Ishigami H, Okimoto K, Saito K, Matsumura T, Nakagawa T, Katsuno T, Kato N. Residual adenoma after cold snare polypectomy for small colorectal adenomas: a prospective clinical study. Endoscopy. 2018 Jul;50(7):693-700.

  32. Takahashi K, Tsuyuguchi T, Sugiyama H, Kumagai J, Nakamura M, Iino Y, Shingyoji A, Yamato M, Ohyama H, Kusakabe Y, Yasui S, Mikata R, Kato N. Risk factors of adverse events in endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography for patients aged ≥85 years. Geriatr Gerontol Int. 2018 Jul;18(7):1038-1045.

  33. Zhu AX, Finn RS, Edeline J, Cattan S, Ogasawara S, Palmer D, Verslype C, Zagonel V, Fartoux L, Vogel A, Sarker D, Verset G, Chan SL, Knox J, Daniele B, Webber AL, Ebbinghaus SW, Ma J, Siegel AB, Cheng AL, Kudo M; KEYNOTE-224 investigators. Pembrolizumab in patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma previously treated with sorafenib (KEYNOTE-224): a non-randomised, open-label phase 2 trial. Lancet Oncol. 2018 Jul;19(7):940-952.

  34. Takahashi K, Kashimura H, Konno N, Nakagawa M, Kawahara Y, Munakata A, Okawara K, Aoki Y, Nihei T. Gallstone ileus with spontaneous evacuation: A case report. J Gen Fam Med. 2018 Jul 31;19(5):173-175.

  35. Taida T, Nakagawa T, Ohta Y, Hamanaka S, Okimoto K, Saito K, Maruoka D, Matsumura T, Arai M, Katsuno T, Kato N. Long-Term Outcome of Endoscopic Balloon Dilatation for Strictures in Patients with Crohn's Disease. Digestion. 2018;98(1):26-32.

  36. Finn RS, Merle P, Granito A, Huang YH, Bodoky G, Pracht M, Yokosuka O, Rosmorduc O, Gerolami R, Caparello C, Cabrera R, Chang C, Sun W, LeBerre MA, Baumhauer A, Meinhardt G, Bruix J. Outcomes of sequential treatment with sorafenib followed by regorafenib for HCC: Additional analyses from the phase III RESORCE trial. J Hepatol. 2018 Aug;69(2):353-358.

  37. Kobayashi S, Terashima T, Shiba S, Yoshida Y, Yamada I, Iwadou S, Horiguchi S, Takahashi H, Suzuki E, Moriguchi M, Tsuji K, Otsuka T, Asagi A, Kojima Y, Takada R, Morizane C, Mizuno N, Ikeda M, Ueno M, Furuse J. Multicenter retrospective analysis of systemic chemotherapy for unresectable combined hepatocellular and cholangiocarcinoma. Cancer Sci. 2018 Aug;109(8):2549-2557.

  38. Ogawa Y, Suzuki E, Mikata R, Yasui S, Abe M, Iino Y, Ohyama H, Chiba T, Tsuyuguchi T, Kato N. Five Cases of Interstitial Pneumonitis Due to Gemcitabine and Nab-Paclitaxel Combination Treatment in Pancreatic Cancer Patients. Pancreas. 2018 Aug;47(7):e42-e43.

  39. Joshita S, Yoshizawa K, Umemura T, Ohira H, Takahashi A, Harada K, Hiep NC, Tsuneyama K, Kage M, Nakano M, Kang JH, Koike K, Zeniya M, Yasunaka T, Takaki A, Torimura T, Abe M, Yokosuka O, Tanaka A, Takikawa H; Japan Autoimmune Hepatitis Study Group (JAIHSG). Clinical features of autoimmune hepatitis with acute presentation: a Japanese nationwide survey. J Gastroenterol. 2018 Sep;53(9):1079-1088.

  40. Nishida N, Sugiyama M, Sawai H, Nishina S, Sakai A, Ohashi J, Khor SS, Kakisaka K, Tsuchiura T, Hino K, Sumazaki R, Takikawa Y, Murata K, Kanda T, Yokosuka O, Tokunaga K, Mizokami M. Key HLA-DRB1-DQB1 haplotypes and role of the BTNL2 gene for response to a hepatitis B vaccine. Hepatology. 2018 Sep;68(3):848-858.

  41. Fujiwara K, Yasui S, Yokosuka O, Oda S, Kato N. A Role of Renal Replacement Therapy for Acute Liver Failure. Hepatology. 2018 Sep;68(3):1204.

  42. Arai MA, Ochi F, Makita Y, Chiba T, Higashi K, Suganami A, Tamura Y, Toida T, Iwama A, Sadhu SK, Ahmed F, Ishibashi M. GLI1 Inhibitors Identified by Target Protein Oriented Natural Products Isolation (TPO-NAPI) with Hedgehog Inhibition. ACS Chem Biol. 2018 Sep 21;13(9):2551-2559.

  43. Ogasawara S, Chiba T, Ooka Y, Yokosuka O, Kato N. Correspondence. Hepatology. 2018 Sep;68(3):1207-1208.

  44. Ishige T, Itoga S, Utsuno E, Nishimura M, Yoshikawa M, Kato N, Matsushita K, Yokosuka O, Nomura F. Variant in C-terminal region of intestinal alkaline phosphatase associated with benign familial hyperphosphatasaemia. J Med Genet. 2018 Oct;55(10):701-704.

  45. Taida T, Arai M, Fujie M, Akizue N, Ishikawa K, Ohta Y, Hamanaka S, Ishigami H, Okimoto K, Saito K, Maruoka D, Matsumura T, Nakagawa T, Katsuno T, Kato N. Real-time Endoscopy-Guided Measurement of Rectal Mucosal Admittance Is a Novel and Safe Method for Predicting Ulcerative Colitis Relapse. Inflamm Bowel Dis. 2018 Oct 12;24(11):2360-2365.

  46. Sakai Y, Tsuyuguchi T, Sugiyama H, Mikata R, Ohyama H, Yasui S, Nakamura M, Takahashi K, Kumagai J, Yamato M, Kusakabe Y, Shingyoji A, Iino Y, Kato N. Usefulness of the 2-Devices-in-1-Channel Method in Case of Difficult Selective Biliary Cannulation Due to Parapapillary Diverticulum/Diverticular Papilla. Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan Tech. 2018 Oct;28(5):295-297.

  47. Nomura F, Kanda T, Seimiya M, Satoh M, Kageyama Y, Yamashita T, Yokosuka O, Kato N, Maruyama K. Determination of serum carbohydrate-deficient transferrin by a nephelometric immunoassay for differential diagnosis of alcoholic and non-alcoholic liver diseases. Clin Chim Acta. 2018 Oct;485:181-186.

  48. Shiba S, Imaoka H, Shioji K, Suzuki E, Horiguchi S, Terashima T, Kojima Y, Okuno T, Sukawa Y, Tsuji K, Umemoto K, Asagi A, Todaka A, Ueno M, Ikeda M, Morizane C, Furuse J. Clinical characteristics of Japanese patients with epithelioid hemangioendothelioma: a multicenter retrospective study. BMC Cancer. 2018 Oct 19;18(1):993.

  49. Arai J, Goto K, Tanoue Y, Ito S, Muroyama R, Matsubara Y, Nakagawa R, Kaise Y, Lim LA, Yoshida H, Kato N. Enzymatic inhibition of MICA sheddase ADAM17 by lomofungin in hepatocellular carcinoma cells. Int J Cancer. 2018 Nov 15;143(10):2575-2583.

  50. Ooka Y, Miho K, Shuntaro O, Nakamura M, Ogasawara S, Suzuki E, Yasui S, Chiba T, Arai M, Kanda T, Maruyama H, Yokosuka O, Kato N, Mochizuki H, Omata M. Prediction of the very early occurrence of HCC right after DAA therapy for HCV infection. Hepatol Int. 2018 Nov;12(6):523-530.

  51. Urahama R, Uesato M, Aikawa M, Yamaguchi Y, Hayano K, Matsumura T, Arai M, Kunii R, Isono S, Matsubara H. Polysomnographic assessment of respiratory disturbance during deep propofol sedation for endoscopic submucosal dissection of gastric tumors. World J Gastrointest Endosc. 2018 Nov 16;10(11):340-347.

  52. Fujiwara K, Yasui S, Yokosuka O, Kato N. Letter: acute liver failure of indeterminate aetiology. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2018 Nov;48(9):1024-1025.

  53. Hamanaka S, Nakagawa T, Hiwasa T, Ohta Y, Kasamatsu S, Ishigami H, Taida T, Okimoto K, Saito K, Maruoka D, Matsumura T, Takizawa H, Kashiwado K, Kobayashi S, Matsushita K, Matsubara H, Katsuno T, Arai M, Kato N. Investigation of novel biomarkers for predicting the clinical course in patients with ulcerative colitis. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2018 Dec;33(12):1975-1983.

  54. Akizue N, Matsumura T, Maruoka D, Ishikawa K, Hang DV, Okimoto K, Saito K, Nakagawa T, Arai M, Kato N. Novel three-dimensional imaging system may facilitate gastric endoscopic submucosal dissection procedure: an ex vivo animal study. Endosc Int Open. 2018 Dec;6(12):E1431-E1435.

  55. Sasaki R, Kanda T, Kato N, Yokosuka O, Moriyama M. Hepatitis C virus-associated hepatocellular carcinoma after sustained virologic response. World J Hepatol. 2018 Dec 27;10(12):898-906.

  56. Kumagai J, Taida T, Ogasawara S, Nakagawa T, Iino Y, Shingyoji A, Ishikawa K, Akizue N, Yamato M, Takahashi K, Ohta Y, Hamanaka S, Okimoto K, Nakamura M, Ohyama H, Saito K, Kusakabe Y, Maruoka D, Yasui S, Matsumura T, Sugiyama H, Sakai Y, Mikata R, Arai M, Katsuno T, Tsuyuguchi T, Kato N. Clinical characteristics and outcomes of primary sclerosing cholangitis and ulcerative colitis in Japanese patients. PLoS One. 2018 Dec 20;13(12):e0209352.


  1. Win NN, Nakamoto S, Kanda T, Takahashi H, Takahashi-Nakaguchi A, Yasui S, Nakamura M, Wu S, Imazeki F, Mikami S, Yokosuka O, Gonoi T, Shirasawa H. Discrepancy between Hepatitis C Virus Genotypes and NS4-Based Serotypes: Association with Their Subgenomic Sequences. Int J Mol Sci. 2017 Jan 17;18(1):172.

  2. Sakai Y, Tsuyuguchi T, Mikata R, Sugiyama H, Yasui S, Miyazaki M, Yokosuka O. Utility of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography on biliopancreatic diseases in patients with Billroth II-reconstructed stomach. World J Gastrointest Endosc. 2017 Mar 16;9(3):127-132.

  3. Yokoyama M, Chiba T, Zen Y, Oshima M, Kusakabe Y, Noguchi Y, Yuki K, Koide S, Tara S, Saraya A, Aoyama K, Mimura N, Miyagi S, Inoue M, Wakamatsu T, Saito T, Ogasawara S, Suzuki E, Ooka Y, Tawada A, Otsuka M, Miyazaki M, Yokosuka O, Iwama A. Histone lysine methyltransferase G9a is a novel epigenetic target for the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma. Oncotarget. 2017 Mar 28;8(13):21315-21326.

  4. Haga Y, Kanda T, Nakamura M, Nakamoto S, Sasaki R, Takahashi K, Wu S, Yokosuka O. Overexpression of c-Jun contributes to sorafenib resistance in human hepatoma cell lines. PloS One. 2017 Mar 21;12(3):e0174153.

  5. Kasamatsu S, Matsumura T, Ohta Y, Hamanaka S, Ishigami H, Taida T, Okimoto K, Saito K, Maruoka D, Nakagawa T, Katsuno T, Fujie M, Kikuchi A, Arai M. The Effect of Ineffective Esophageal Motility on Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease. Digestion. 2017 Mar 25;95(3):221-228.

  6. Tanaka A, Tazuma S, Nakazawa T, Isayama H, Tsuyuguchi T, Inui K, Takikawa H. No negative impact of serum IgG4 levels on clinical outcome in 435 patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis from Japan. J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci. 2017 Apr;24(4):217-225.

  7. Ishigami H, Matsumura T, Kasamatsu S, Hamanaka S, Taida T, Okimoto K, Saito K, Minemura S, Maruoka D, Nakagawa T, Katsuno T, Fujie M, Arai M. Endoscopy-Guided Evaluation of Duodenal Mucosal Permeability in Functional Dyspepsia. Clin Transl Gastroenterol. 2017 Apr 6;8(4):e83.

  8. Odaka T, Yamato S, Yokosuka O. Esophageal Motility and Rikkunshito Treatment for Proton Pump Inhibitor-Refractory Nonerosive Reflux Disease: A Prospective, Uncontrolled, Open-Label Pilot Study Trial. Curr Ther Res Clin Exp. 2017 Apr 4;84:37-41.

  9. Sogawa K, Kobayashi K, Kikkawa S, Takano S, Yoshitomi H, Takizawa H, Ohtsuka M, Shimizu H, Furuhata K, Miyazaki M, Yokosuka O, Nomura F. Development of a sandwich ELISA for the thrombin light chain identified by serum proteome analysis. Pract Lab Med. 2017 Apr 22;8:34-40.

  10. Kanda T, Yasui S, Nakamura M, Suzuki E, Arai M, Ooka Y, Ogasawara S, Chiba T, Saito T, Haga Y, Takahashi K, Sasaki R, Wu S, Nakamoto S, Tawada A, Maruyama H, Imazeki F, Kato N, Yokosuka O. Real-World Experiences with the Combination Treatment of Ledipasvir plus Sofosbuvir for 12 Weeks in HCV Genotype 1-Infected Japanese Patients: Achievement of a Sustained Virological Response in Previous Users of Peginterferon plus Ribavirin with HCV NS3/4A Inhibitors. Int J Mol Sci. 2017 Apr 25;18(5):906.

  11. Goto K, Kato N. Histone deacetylase inhibitor for the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma: Chemoimmunotherapeutic perspective and prospects. J Hepatol. 2017 Apr;66(4):866-867.

  12. Haga Y, Kanda T, Nakamoto S, Nakamura M, Sasaki R, Wu S, Yokosuka O. Interferon induces interleukin 8 and bone marrow stromal cell antigen 2 expression, inhibiting the production of hepatitis B virus surface antigen from human hepatocytes. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2017 May 6;486(3):858-863.

  13. Nakamura M, Kanda T, Jiang X, Haga Y, Takahashi K, Wu S, Yasui S, Nakamoto S, Yokosuka O. Serum microRNA-122 and Wisteria floribunda agglutinin-positive Mac-2 binding protein are useful tools for liquid biopsy of the patients with hepatitis B virus and advanced liver fibrosis. PLoS One. 2017 May 5;12(5):e0177302.

  14. Mikata R, Yasui S, Kishimoto T, Sugiyama H, Sakai1 Y, Tsuyuguchi T, Yoshitomi H, Ohtsuka M, Kato N. Differentiation of Malignant and Benign Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasm by Repeated Pancreatic Juice Cytology Combined with Carcinoembryonic Antigen Level in Pancreatic Juice. Journal of Pancreas. 2017 May 18; S(2):208-215.

  15. Kanda T, Takahashi K, Nakamura M, Nakamoto S, Wu S, Haga Y, Sasaki R, Jiang X, Yokosuka O. Androgen Receptor Could Be a Potential Therapeutic Target in Patients with Advanced Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Cancers (Basel). 2017 May 5;9(5):43.

  16. Nakagawa R, Muroyama R, Saeki C, Goto K, Kaise Y, Koike K, Nakano M, Matsubara Y, Takano K, Ito S, Saruta M, Kato N, Zeniya M. miR-425 regulates inflammatory cytokine production in CD4+ T cells via N-Ras upregulation in primary biliary cholangitis. J Hepatol. 2017 Jun;66(6):1223-1230.

  17. Kanda T, Jiang X, Nakamura M, Haga Y, Sasaki R, Wu S, Nakamoto S, Imazeki F, Yokosuka O. Overexpression of the androgen receptor in human hepatoma cells and its effect on fatty acid metabolism. Oncol Lett. 2017 Jun;13(6):4481-4486.

  18. Jiang X, Kanda T, Haga Y, Sasaki R, Nakamura M, Wu S, Nakamoto S, Shirasawa H, Okamoto H, Yokosuka O Glucose-regulated protein 78 is an antiviral against hepatitis A virus replication. Exp Ther Med. 2017 Jun;13(6):3305-3308.

  19. Matsumura T, Ishigami H, Fujie M, Taida T, Kasamatsu S, Okimoto K, Saito K, Maruoka D, Nakagawa T, Suzuki T, Katsuno T, Arai M. Endoscopic-Guided Measurement of Mucosal Admittance can Discriminate Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease from Functional Heartburn. Clin Transl Gastroenterol. 2017 Jun 1;8(6):e94.

  20. Kanda T, Nakamura M, Yasui S, Haga Y, Tawada A, Suzuki E, Ooka Y, Takahashi K, Sasaki R, Wu S, Nakamoto S, Arai M, Imazeki F, Yokosuka O. Treatment of Real-World HCV Genotype 2-Infected Japanese Patients with Sofosbuvir plus Ribavirin. Biology (Basel). 2017 Jun; 6(2): 30.

  21. Kaneta Y, Arai MA, Ishikawa N, Toume K, Koyano T, Kowithayakorn T, Chiba T, Iwama A, Ishibashi M. Identification of BMI1 Promoter Inhibitors from Beaumontia murtonii and Eugenia operculata. J Nat Prod. 2017 Jun 23;80(6):1853-1859.

  22. Omata M, Cheng AL, Kokudo N, Kudo M, Lee JM, Jia J, Tateishi R, Han KH, Chawla YK, Shiina S, Jafri W, Payawal DA, Ohki T, Ogasawara S, Chen PJ, Lesmana CRA, Lesmana LA, Gani RA, Obi S, Dokmeci AK, Sarin SK. Asia-Pacific clinical practice guidelines on the management of hepatocellular carcinoma: a 2017 update. Hepatol Int. 2017 Jul;11(4):317-370.

  23. Maruyama H, Kobayashi K, Kiyono S, Ogasawara S, Suzuki E, Ooka Y, Chiba T, Yamaguchi T. Compensating effect of minor portal hypertension on the muscle mass loss-related poor prognosis in cirrhosis. Int J Med Sci. 2017 Jul 19;14(9):804-810.

  24. Matsumura T, Ishigami H, Okimoto K, Maruoka D, Nakagawa T, Fujie M, Arai M. Three-dimensional imaging system for colonoscopy. Endoscopy. 2017 Jul;49(7):716-717.

  25. Maruoka D, Matsumura T, Kasamatsu S, Ishigami H, Taida T, Okimoto K, Nakagawa T, Katsuno T, Arai M. Cold polypectomy for duodenal adenomas: a prospective clinical trial. Endoscopy. 2017 Aug;49(8):776-783.

  26. Rizq O, Mimura N, Oshima M, Saraya A, Koide S, Kato Y, Aoyama K, Nakajima-Takagi Y, Wang C, Chiba T, Ma A, Jin J, Iseki T, Nakaseko C, Iwama A. Dual Inhibition of EZH2 and EZH1 Sensitizes PRC2-Dependent Tumors to Proteasome Inhibition. Clin Cancer Res. 2017 Aug 15;23(16):4817-4830.

  27. Fujiwara K, Yasui S, Yokosuka O, Oda S, Kato N. Diagnostic utility of radiological heterogeneity in acute severe (fulminant) autoimmune hepatitis. J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci. 2017 Aug;24(8):485-491.

  28. Nakamoto S, Imazeki F, Kanda T, Wu S, Nakamura M, Yasui S, Tawada A, Mikata R, Chiba T, Arai M, Yokosuka O, Shirasawa H. Association of IFNL3 Genotype with Hepatic Steatosis in Chronic Hepatitis C Patients Treated with Peginterferon and Ribavirin Combination Therapy. Int J Med Sci. 2017 Sep 4;14(11):1088-1093.

  29. Maiwall R, Sarin SK, Kumar S, Jain P, Kumar G, Bhadoria AS, Moreau R, Kedarisetty CK, Abbas Z, Amarapurkar D, Bhardwaj A, Bihari C, Butt AS, Chan A, Chawla YK, Chowdhury A, Dhiman R, Dokmeci AK, Ghazinyan H, Hamid SS, Kim DJ, Komolmit P, Lau GK, Lee GH, Lesmana LA, Jamwal K, Mamun-Al-Mahtab, Mathur RP, Nayak SL, Ning Q, Pamecha V, Alcantara-Payawal D, Rastogi A, Rahman S, Rela M, Saraswat VA, Shah S, Shiha G, Sharma BC, Sharma MK, Sharma K, Tan SS, Chandel SS, Vashishtha C, Wani ZA, Yuen MF, Yokosuka O, Duseja A, Jafri W, Devarbhavi H, Eapen CE, Goel A, Sood A, Ji J, Duan Z, Chen Y; of the APASL ACLF Research Consortium (AARC) working party. Development of predisposition, injury, response, organ failure model for predicting acute kidney injury in acute on chronic liver failure. Liver Int. 2017 Oct;37(10):1497-1507.

  30. Kobayashi K, Maruyama H, Kiyono S, Yokosuka O, Ohtsuka M, Miyazaki M, Matsushima J, Kishimoto T, Nakatani Y. Histology-Based Assessment of Sonazoid-Enhanced Ultrasonography for the Diagnosis of Liver Metastasis. Ultrasound Med Biol. 2017 Oct;43(10):2151-2158.

  31. Watanabe Y, Mikata R, Yasui S, Ohyama H, Sugiyama H, Sakai Y, Tsuyuguchi T, Kato N. Short- and long-term results of endoscopic ultrasound-guided transmural drainage for pancreatic pseudocysts and walled-off necrosis. World J Gastroenterol. 2017 Oct 21;23(39):7110-7118.

  32. Taguchi J, Ikeda T, Takahashi R, Sasaki I, Ogasawara Y, Dairi T, Kato N, Yamamoto Y, Bode JW, Ito H. Synthesis of Acylborons by Ozonolysis of Alkenylboronates: Preparation of an Enantioenriched Amino Acid Acylboronate. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. 2017 Oct 23;56(44):13847-13851.

  33. Akizue N, Suzuki E, Yokoyama M, Inoue M, Wakamatsu T, Saito T, Kusakabe Y, Ogasawara S, Ooka Y, Tawada A, Maru Y, Matsue H, Chiba T. Henoch-Schönlein Purpura Complicated by Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Intern Med. 2017 Nov 15;56(22):3041-3045.

  34. Choudhury A, Kumar M, Sharma BC, Maiwall R, Pamecha V, Moreau R, Chawla YK, Duseja A, Mahtab M, Rahman S, Hamid SS, Butt AS, Jafri W, Tan SS, Devarbhavi H, Amarapurkar D, Ning Q, Eapen CE, Goel A, Kim DJ, Ghazinyan H, Shiha G, Lee GH, Abbas Z, Payawal DA, Dokmeci AK, Yuen MF, Lesmana LA, Sood A, Chan A, Lau GK, Jia JD, Duan Z, Yu C, Yokosuka O, Jain P, Bhadoria AS, Kumar G, Sarin SK; APASL ACLF working party. Systemic inflammatory response syndrome in acute-on-chronic liver failure: Relevance of 'golden window': A prospective study. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2017 Dec;32(12):1989-1997.

  35. Haga Y, Kanda T, Yasui S, Nakamura M, Ooka Y, Takahashi K, Wu S, Nakamoto S, Arai M, Chiba T, Maruyama H, Yokosuka O, Takada N, Moriyama M, Imazeki F, Kato N. Successful retreatment with sofosbuvir plus ledipasvir for cirrhotic patients with hepatitis C virus genotype 1b, who discontinued the prior treatment with asunaprevir plus daclatasvir: A case series and review of the literature. Oncotarget. 2017 Dec 29;9(4):5509-5513.


  1. Matsumura T, Arai M, Ishigami H, Okimoto K, Saito K, Minemura S, Maruoka D, Nakagawa T, Katsuno T, Yokosuka O. A randomized controlled trial comparing a prepackaged low-residue diet with a restricted diet for colonoscopy preparation: the impact on the results of colonoscopy in adenoma detection. Colorectal Dis. 2016 Jan;18(1):O37-42.

  2. Arai M, Okimoto K, Ishigami H, Taida T, Oyamada A, Minemura S, Saito K, Tsuboi M, Maruoka D, Matsumura T, Nakagawa T, Katsuno T, Mitsuhashi K, Nakagawa Y, Yamaguchi K, Yokosuka O. A randomized controlled trial comparing water exchange and air insufflation during colonoscopy without sedation. Int J Colorectal Dis. 2016 Jun;31(6):1217-23.

  3. Fujiwara K, Yasui S, Yonemitsu Y, Arai M, Kanda T, Fukuda Y, Nakano M, Oda S, Yokosuka O. Analysis of infectious complications and timing for emergency liver transplantation in autoimmune acute liver failure. J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci. 2016 Apr;23(4):212-9.

  4. Ogasawara S, Chiba T, Ooka Y, Suzuki E, Inoue M, Wakamatsu T, Tawada A, Yokosuka O. Analysis of Sorafenib Outcome: Focusing on the Clinical Course in Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma. PLoS One. 2016 Aug 18;11(8):e0161303.

  5. Omata M, Kanda T, Wei L, Yu ML, Chuang WL, Ibrahim A, Lesmana CR, Sollano J, Kumar M, Jindal A, Sharma BC, Hamid SS, Dokmeci AK, Mamun-Al-Mahtab, McCaughan GW, Wasim J, Crawford DH, Kao JH, Yokosuka O, Lau GK, Sarin SK. APASL consensus statements and recommendation on treatment of hepatitis C. Hepatol Int. 2016 Sep;10(5):702-26.

  6. Omata M, Kanda T, Wei L, Yu ML, Chuang WL, Ibrahim A, Lesmana CR, Sollano J, Kumar M, Jindal A, Sharma BC, Hamid SS, Dokmeci AK, Al-Mahtab M, McCaughan GW, Wasim J, Crawford DH, Kao JH, Yokosuka O, Lau GK, Sarin SK. APASL consensus statements and recommendations for hepatitis C prevention, epidemiology, and laboratory testing. Hepatol Int. 2016 Sep;10(5):681-701.

  7. Kumagai J, Kanda T, Yasui S, Haga Y, Sasaki R, Nakamura M, Wu S, Nakamoto S, Arai M, Iino Y, Yokosuka O. Autoimmune hepatitis following drug-induced liver injury in an elderly patient. Clin J Gastroenterol. 2016 Jun;9(3):156-9.

  8. Tanaka A, Ma X, Yokosuka O, Weltman M, You H, Amarapurkar DN, Kim YJ, Abbas Z, Payawal DA, Chang ML, Efe C, Ozaslan E, Abe M, Mitchell-Thain R, Zeniya M, Han KH, Vierling JM, Takikawa H. Autoimmune liver diseases in the Asia-Pacific region: Proceedings of APASL symposium on AIH and PBC 2016. Hepatol Int. 2016 Nov;10(6):909-915.

  9. Chiba T, Iwama A, Yokosuka O. Cancer stem cells in hepatocellular carcinoma: Therapeutic implications based on stem cell biology. Hepatol Res. 2016 Jan;46(1):50-7.

  10. Nakaji S, Hirata N, Mikata R, Kobayashi M, Shiratori T, Ogasawara S, Ooka Y, Tsuyuguchi T, Yamaguchi T, Yokosuka O. Clinical outcomes of endoscopic ultrasound-guided ethanol injection for hepatocellular carcinoma in the caudate lobe. Endosc Int Open. 2016 Oct;4(10):E1111-E1115.

  11. Sakai Y, Tsuyuguchi T, Sugiyama H, Hayashi M, Senoo J, Kusakabe Y, Yasui S, Mikata R, Yokosuka O. Comparison of endoscopic papillary balloon dilatation and endoscopic sphincterotomy for bile duct stones. World J Gastrointest Endosc. 2016 May 25;8(10):395-401.

  12. Nishikawa T, Shimura K, Tsuyuguchi T, Kiyono S, Yokosuka O. Contrast-enhanced harmonic EUS of pancreatic schwannoma. Gastrointest Endosc. 2016 Feb;83(2):463-4.

  13. Wu S, Kanda T, Nakamoto S, Jiang X, Nakamura M, Sasaki R, Haga Y, Shirasawa H, Yokosuka O. Cooperative effects of hepatitis B virus and TNF may play important roles in the activation of metabolic pathways through the activation of NF-κB. Int J Mol Med. 2016 Aug;38(2):475-81.

  14. Kanda T, Yasui S, Nakamura M, Suzuki E, Arai M, Haga Y, Sasaki R, Wu S, Nakamoto S, Imazeki F, Yokosuka O. Daclatasvir plus Asunaprevir Treatment for Real-World HCV Genotype 1-Infected Patients in Japan. Int J Med Sci. 2016 May 12;13(6):418-23.

  15. Fujiwara K, Yokosuka O, Inoue K, Yasui S, Abe R, Oda S, Arata S, Takikawa Y, Ido A, Mochida S, Tsubouchi H, Takikawa H; Intractable Hepato-Biliary Disease Study Group of Japan. Distribution of core hospitals for patients with fulminant hepatitis and late onset hepatic failure in Japan. Hepatol Res. 2016 Jan;46(1):10-2.

  16. Takahashi K, Kanda T, Yasui S, Haga Y, Kumagai J, Sasaki R, Wu S, Nakamoto S, Nakamura M, Arai M, Yokosuka O. Drug-Induced Liver Injury Associated with Complementary and Alternative Medicines. Case Rep Gastroenterol. 2016 Nov 25;10(3):706-713.

  17. Morimoto M, Lee EY, Zhang X, Inaba Y, Inoue H, Ogawa M, Shirasawa T, Yokosuka O, Miki T. Eicosapentaenoic acid ameliorates hyperglycemia in high-fat diet-sensitive diabetes mice in conjunction with restoration of hypoadiponectinemia. Nutr Diabetes. 2016 Jun 27;6:e213.

  18. Sasaki R, Sakai Y, Tsuyuguchi T, Nishikawa T, Fujimoto T, Mikami S, Sugiyama H, Yokosuka O. Endoscopic management of unresectable malignant gastroduodenal obstruction with a nitinol uncovered metal stent: A prospective Japanese multicenter study. World J Gastroenterol. 2016 Apr 14;22(14):3837-44.

  19. Kondo T, Maruyama H, Kiyono S, Sekimoto T, Shimada T, Takahashi M, Okugawa H, Yokosuka O, Kawahira H, Yamaguchi T Eradication of esophageal varices by sclerotherapy combined with argon plasma coagulation: effect of portal hemodynamics and longitudinal clinical course. Dig Endosc. 2016 Mar;28(2):152-61.

  20. Kiyono S, Maruyama H, Kondo T, Sekimoto T, Shimada T, Takahashi M, Yokosuka O. Erratum to: Hemodynamic effect of the left gastric artery on esophageal varices in patients with cirrhosis. J Gastroenterol. 2016 Dec;51(12):1175.

  21. Kiyono S, Maruyama H, Kondo T, Sekimoto T, Shimada T, Takahashi M, Yokosuka O Hemodynamic effect of the left gastric artery on esophageal varices in patients with cirrhosis. J Gastroenterol. 2016 Sep;51(9):900-9. Erratum in: J Gastroenterol. 2016 Dec;51(12 ):1175.

  22. Win NN, Kanda T, Nakamoto S, Yokosuka O, Shirasawa H. Hepatitis C virus genotypes in Myanmar. World J Gastroenterol. 2016 Jul 21;22(27):6095-9.

  23. Fujiwara K, Fukuda Y, Seza K, Saito M, Yasui S, Nakano M, Yokosuka O. High level of persistent liver injury is one of clinical characteristics in treatment-naïve acute onset autoimmune hepatitis: experience in a community hospital. J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci. 2016 Mar;23(3):174-80.

  24. Sogawa K, Takano S, Iida F, Satoh M, Tsuchida S, Kawashima Y, Yoshitomi H, Sanda A, Kodera Y, Takizawa H, Mikata R, Ohtsuka M, Shimizu H, Miyazaki M, Yokosuka O, Nomura F. Identification of a novel serum biomarker for pancreatic cancer, C4b-binding protein α-chain (C4BPA) by quantitative proteomic analysis using tandem mass tags. Br J Cancer. 2016 Oct 11;115(8):949-956.

  25. Kondo T, Maruyama H, Sekimoto T, Shimada T, Takahashi M, Okugawa H, Yokosuka O Impact of portal hemodynamics on Doppler ultrasonography for predicting decompensation and long-term outcomes in patients with cirrhosis. Scand J Gastroenterol. 2016;51(2):236-44.

  26. Yasui S, Fujiwara K, Haga Y, Nakamura M, Mikata R, Arai M, Kanda T, Oda S, Yokosuka O. Infectious complications, steroid use and timing for emergency liver transplantation in acute liver failure: analysis in a Japanese center. J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci. 2016 Dec;23(12):756-762.

  27. Maruyama H, Shiha G, Yokosuka O, Kumar A, Sharma BC, Ibrahim A, Saraswat V, Lesmana CR, Omata M. Non-invasive assessment of portal hypertension and liver fibrosis using contrast-enhanced ultrasonography. Hepatol Int. 2016 Mar;10(2):267-76.

  28. Kiyono S, Maruyama H, Kobayashi K, Kondo T, Sekimoto T, Shimada T, Yokosuka O, Yamaguchi T Non-Invasive Diagnosis of Portal Hypertensive Gastropathy: Quantitative Analysis of Microbubble-Induced Stomach Wall Enhancement. Ultrasound Med Biol. 2016 Aug;42(8):1792-9.

  29. Maruyama H, Kiyono S, Kondo T, Sekimoto T, Yokosuka O Palmitate-induced Regulation of PPARγ via PGC1α: a Mechanism for Lipid Accumulation in the Liver in Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. Int J Med Sci. 2016 Feb 11;13(3):169-78.

  30. Kobayashi K, Maruyama H, Kiyono S, Sekimoto T, Kondo T, Shimada T, Takahashi M, Okugawa H, Yokosuka O Portal response related to shunt occlusion by balloon-occluded retrograde transvenous obliteration may determine the prognosis of cirrhosis. Hepatol Res. 2016 Dec;46(13):1321-1329.

  31. Sasaki R, Kanda T, Nakamura M, Nakamoto S, Haga Y, Wu S, Shirasawa H, Yokosuka O. Possible involvement of hepatitis B virus infection of hepatocytes in the attenuation of apoptosis in hepatic stellate cells. PLoS ONE. 2016 Jan 5;11(1):e0146314.

  32. Tawada A, Kanda T, Imazeki F, Yokosuka O. Prevention of hepatitis B virus-associated liver diseases by antiviral therapy. Hepatol Int. 2016 Jul;10(4):574-93.

  33. Sakai Y, Tsuyuguchi T, Sugiyama H, Hayashi M, Senoo J, Sasaki R, Kusakabe Y, Nakamura M, Yasui S, Mikata R, Miyazaki M, Yokosuka O. Prevention of post-endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography pancreatitis by pancreatic duct stenting using a loop-tipped guidewire. World J Clin Cases. 2016 Aug 16;4(8):213-8.

  34. Ogasawara S, Chiba T, Motoyama T, Kanogawa N, Saito T, Shinozaki Y, Suzuki E, Ooka Y, Tawada A, Kato H, Okabe S, Kanai F, Yoshikawa M, Yokosuka O. Prognostic Significance of Concurrent Hypovascular and Hypervascular Nodules in Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma. PLoS One. 2016 Sep 20;11(9):e0163119.

  35. Ohyama H, Mikata R, Ishihara T, Tsuyuguchi T, Sakai Y, Sugiyama H, Yasui S, Yokosuka O. Reply to Xie S, Mai G. Comments on Comments on "Efficacy of Stone Density on Noncontrast Computed Tomography in Predicting the Outcome of Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy for Patients With Pancreatic Stones" by Ohyama et al. Pancreas. 2016 Mar;45(3):e5-6.

  36. Saito K, Nakagawa T, Koseki H, Taida T, Sakurai T, Yoshihama S, Saito M, Maruoka D, Matsumura T, Watabe H, Arai M, Katsuno T, Yokosuka O. Retention of the cellophane wall of a patency capsule by intestinal stenosis: a report of three cases. Clin J Gastroenterol. 2016 Dec;9(6):365-368.

  37. Mochida S, Nakayama N, Ido A, Takikawa Y, Yokosuka O, Sakaida I, Moriwaki H, Genda T, Takikawa H. Revised criteria for classification of the etiologies of acute liver failure and late-onset hepatic failure in Japan: A report by the Intractable Hepato-biliary Diseases Study Group of Japan in 2015. Hepatol Res. 2016 Mar;46(5):369-71.

  38. Maruyama H, Sekimoto T, Yokosuka O. Role of contrast-enhanced ultrasonography with Sonazoid for hepatocellular carcinoma: evidence from a 10-year experience. J Gastroenterol. 2016 May;51(5):421-33.

  39. Haga Y, Kanda T, Sasaki R, Nakamura M, Takahashi K, Wu S, Yasui S, Arai M, Nakamoto S, Yokosuka O. Serum Wisteria Floribunda Agglutinin-Positive Mac-2 Binding Protein Could Not Always Predict Early Cirrhosis in Non-Viral Liver Diseases. Diseases. 2016 Dec 14;4(4):38.

  40. Koide S, Oshima M, Takubo K, Yamazaki S, Nitta E, Saraya A, Aoyama K, Kato Y, Miyagi S, Nakajima-Takagi Y, Chiba T, Matsui H, Arai F, Suzuki Y, Kimura H, Nakauchi H, Suda T, Shinkai Y, Iwama A. Setdb1 maintains hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells by restricting the ectopic activation of non-hematopoietic genes. Blood. 2016 Aug 4;128(5):638-49.

  41. Nakamura M, Kanda T, Haga Y, Sasaki R, Wu S, Nakamoto S, Yasui S, Arai M, Imazeki F, Yokosuka O. Sofosbuvir treatment and hepatitis C virus infection. World J Hepatol. 2016 Jan 28;8(3):183-90.

  42. Sasaki R, Kanda T, Yasui S, Haga Y, Nakamura M, Yamato M, Wu S, Nakamoto S, Arai M, Mikami S, Miyauchi H, Matsubara H, Yokosuka O. Successful Eradication of Hepatitis C Virus by Interferon-Free Regimens in Two Patients with Advanced Liver Fibrosis following Kidney Transplantation. Case Rep Gastroenterol. 2016 May 27;10(2):248-56.

  43. Haga Y, Yasui S, Kanda T, Hattori N, Wakamatsu T, Nakamura M, Sasaki R, Wu S, Nakamoto S, Arai M, Maruyama H, Ohtsuka M, Oda S, Miyazaki M, Yokosuka O. Successful Management of Acute Liver Failure Patients Waiting for Liver Transplantation by On-Line Hemodiafiltration with an Arteriovenous Fistula. Case Rep Gastroenterol. 2016 May 19;10(1):139-45.

  44. Sasaki R, Kanda T, Ohtsuka M, Yasui S, Haga Y, Nakamura M, Yokoyama M, Wu S, Nakamoto S, Arai M, Maruyama H, Miyazaki M, Yokosuka O. Successful Management of Graft Reinfection of HCV Genotype 2 in Living Donor Liver Transplantation from a Hepatitis B Core Antibody-Positive Donor with Sofosbuvir and Ribavirin. Case Rep Gastroenterol. 2016 Jul 20;10(2):366-372.

  45. Ohta Y, Kanda T, Katsuno T, Yasui S, Haga Y, Sasaki R, Nakamura M, Wu S, Nakamoto S, Arai M, Yokosuka O. Successful sofosbuvir treatment with ribavirin dose reduction for chronic hepatitis C virus genotype 2 infection in a patient with ulcerative colitis: a case report. BMC Gastroenterol. 2016 Jul 11;16(1):66.

  46. Kanda T, Nakamoto S, Sasaki R, Nakamura M, Yasui S, Haga Y, Ogasawara S, Tawada A, Arai M, Mikami S, Imazeki F, Yokosuka O. Sustained Virologic Response at 24 Weeks after the End of Treatment Is a Better Predictor for Treatment Outcome in Real-World HCV-Infected Patients Treated by HCV NS3/4A Protease Inhibitors with Peginterferon plus Ribavirin. Int J Med Sci. 2016 Apr 10;13(4):310-5.

  47. Maruyama H, Kobayashi K, Kiyono S, Sekimoto T, Kanda T, Yokosuka O. Two-dimensional shear wave elastography with propagation-based reliability assessment for grading hepatic fibrosis and portal hypertension. J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci. 2016 Sep;23(9):595-602.

  48. Nishida N, Ohashi J, Khor SS, Sugiyama M, Tsuchiura T, Sawai H, Hino K, Honda M, Kaneko S, Yatsuhashi H, Yokosuka O, Koike K, Kurosaki M, Izumi N, Korenaga M, Kang JH, Tanaka E, Taketomi A, Eguchi Y, Sakamoto N, Yamamoto K, Tamori A, Sakaida I, Hige S, Itoh Y, Mochida S, Mita E, Takikawa Y, Ide T, Hiasa Y, Kojima H, Yamamoto K, Nakamura M, Saji H, Sasazuki T, Kanto T, Tokunaga K, Mizokami M. Understanding of HLA-conferred susceptibility to chronic hepatitis B infection requires HLA genotyping-based association analysis. Sci Rep. 2016 Apr 19;6:24767.

  49. Tawada A, Chiba T, Saito T, Ogasawara S, Suzuki E, Ooka Y, Arai M, Kanda T, Shinozaki M, Goto N, Nagashima K, Yokosuka O. Utility of Prediction Scores for Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis B Treated with Nucleos(t)ide Analogues. Oncology. 2016;90(4):199-208.

  50. Sekimoto T, Maruyama H, Kobayashi K, Kiyono S, Kondo T, Shimada T, Takahashi M, Yokosuka O. Well-tolerated portal hypertension and favorable prognosis in adult patients with extrahepatic portal vein obstruction in Japan. Hepatol Res. 2016 May;46(6):505-13.


  1. Ogasawara S, Chiba T, Ooka Y, Kanogawa N, Motoyama T, Suzuki E, Tawada A, Azemoto R, Shinozaki M, Yoshikawa M, Yokosuka O. A prognostic score for patients with intermediate-stage hepatocellular carcinoma treated with transarterial chemoembolization. PLoS One. 2015 Apr 28;10(4):e0125244.

  2. Nakamoto S, Kanda T, Shirasawa H, Yokosuka O. Antiviral therapies for chronic hepatitis C virus infection with cirrhosis. World J Hepatol. 2015 May 18;7(8):1133-41.

  3. Fujiwara K, Yasui S, Yokosuka O. Appropriate diagnostic criteria for fulminant autoimmune hepatitis. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2015 Oct;27(10):1230-1.

  4. Sasaki R, Kanda T, Wu S, Nakamoto S, Haga Y, Jiang X, Nakamura M, Shirasawa H, Yokosuka O. Association between hepatitis B virus and MHC class I polypeptide-related chain A in human hepatocytes derived from human-mouse chimeric mouse liver. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2015 Sep 4;464(4):1192-1195.

  5. Chiba T, Suzuki E, Saito T, Ogasawara S, Ooka Y, Tawada A, Iwama A, Yokosuka O. Biological features and biomarkers in hepatocellular carcinoma. World J Hepatol. 2015 Aug 8;7(16):2020-8.

  6. Maruoka D, Arai M, Ishigami H, Okimoto K, Matsumura T, Nakagawa T, Yokosuka O. Cold polypectomy for nonampullary duodenal adenoma. Endoscopy. 2015;47 Suppl 1 UCTN:E477-8.

  7. Fujiwara K, Yasui S, Yokosuka O. Corticosteroid and nucleoside analogue for hepatitis B virus-related acute liver failure. World J Gastroenterol. 2015 Sep 28;21(36):10485-6.

  8. Tawada A, Kanda T, Yokosuka O. Current and future directions for treating hepatitis B virus infection. World J Hepatol. 2015 Jun 18;7(11):1541-52.

  9. Kanda T, Ogasawara S, Chiba T, Haga Y, Omata M, Yokosuka O. Current management of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. World J Hepatol. 2015 Jul 28;7(15):1913-20.

  10. Sugiyama H, Tsuyuguchi T, Sakai Y, Mikata R, Yasui S, Watanabe Y, Sakamoto D, Nakamura M, Sasaki R, Senoo J, Kusakabe Y, Hayashi M, Yokosuka O. Current status of preoperative drainage for distal biliary obstruction. World J Hepatol. 2015 Aug 28;7(18):2171-6.

  11. Maruyama H, Kondo T, Sekimoto T, Yokosuka O. Differential Clinical Impact of Ascites in Cirrhosis and Idiopathic Portal Hypertension. Medicine (Baltimore). 2015 Jul;94(26):e1056.

  12. Kanda T, Nakamoto S, Wu S, Nakamura M, Jiang X, Haga Y, Sasaki R, Yokosuka O. Direct-acting Antivirals and Host-targeting Agents against the Hepatitis A Virus. J Clin Transl Hepatol. 2015 Sep 28;3(3):205-10.

  13. Nakamoto S, Imazeki F, Arai M, Yasui S, Nakamura M, Haga Y, Sasaki R, Kanda T, Shirasawa H, Yokosuka O. Effect of Hepatitis C Virus Genotype 1b Core and NS5A Mutations on Response to Peginterferon Plus Ribavirin Combination Therapy. Int J Mol Sci. 2015 Sep 7;16(9):21177-90.

  14. Kawaguchi T, Nagao Y, Abe K, Imazeki F, Honda K, Yamasaki K, Miyanishi K, Taniguchi E, Kakuma T, Kato J, Seike M, Yokosuka O, Ohira H, Sata M. Effects of branched-chain amino acids and zinc-enriched nutrients on prognosticators in HCV-infected patients: a multicenter randomized controlled trial. Mol Med Rep. 2015 Mar;11(3):2159-66.

  15. Nishida N, Ohashi J, Sugiyama M, Tsuchiura T, Yamamoto K, Hino K, Honda M, Kaneko S, Yatsuhashi H, Koike K, Yokosuka O, Tanaka E, Taketomi A, Kurosaki M, Izumi N, Sakamoto N, Eguchi Y, Sasazuki T, Tokunaga K, Mizokami M. Effects of HLA-DPB1 genotypes on chronic hepatitis B infection in Japanese individuals. Tissue Antigens. 2015 Dec;86(6):406-12.

  16. Ohyama H, Mikata R, Ishihara T, Tsuyuguchi T, Sakai Y, Sugiyama H, Yasui S, Ishii K, Itoh S, Nishikawa T, Watanabe Y, Yokosuka O. Efficacy of stone density on noncontrast computed tomography in predicting the outcome of extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy for patients with pancreatic stones. Pancreas. 2015 Apr;44(3):422-8.

  17. Sakai Y, Tsuyuguchi T, Sugiyama H, Sasaki R, Sakamoto D, Nakamura M, Watanabe Y, Nishikawa T, Yasui S, Mikata R, Yokosuka O. Endoscopic papillary large balloon dilation for bile duct stones in elderly patients. World J Clin Cases. 2015 Apr 16;3(4):353-9.

  18. Kanaeda T, Ueda M, Arai M, Ishimura M, Kajiyama T, Hashiguchi N, Nakano M, Kondo Y, Hiranuma Y, Oyamada A, Yokosuka O, Kobayashi Y. Evaluation of periesophageal nerve injury after pulmonary vein isolation using the (13)C-acetate breath test. J Arrhythm. 2015 Dec;31(6):364-70.

  19. Matsumoto A, Yatsuhashi H, Nagaoka S, Suzuki Y, Hosaka T, Tsuge M, Chayama K, Kanda T, Yokosuka O, Nishiguchi S, Saito M, Miyase S, Kang JH, Shinkai N, Tanaka Y, Umemura T, Tanaka E. Factors associated with the effect of interferon-α sequential therapy in order to discontinue nucleoside/nucleotide analog treatment in patients with chronic hepatitis B. Hepatol Res. 2015 Dec;45(12):1195-202.

  20. Kanda T, Yokosuka O, Omata M. Faldaprevir for the treatment of hepatitis C. Int J Mol Sci. 2015 Mar 4;16(3):4985-96.

  21. Saito T, Chiba T, Ogasawara S, Inoue M, Wakamatsu T, Motoyama T, Kanogawa N, Suzuki E, Ooka Y, Tawada A, Matsubara H, Yokosuka O. Fatal Diaphragmatic Hernia following Radiofrequency Ablation for Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Case Report and Literature Review. Case Rep Oncol. 2015 May 28;8(2):238-45.

  22. Omata M, Kanda T, Yokosuka O, Crawford D, Al-Mahtab M, Wei L, Ibrahim A, Lau GK, Sharma BC, Hamid SS, Chuang WL, Dokmeci AK. Features of hepatitis C virus infection, current therapies and ongoing clinical trials in ten Asian Pacific countries. Hepatol Int. 2015 Oct;9(4):486-507.

  23. Fujiwara K, Yasui S, Yonemitsu Y, Arai M, Kanda T, Nakano M, Oda S, Yokosuka O. Fixed point observation of etiology of acute liver failure according to the novel Japanese diagnostic criteria. J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci. 2015 Mar;22(3):225-9.

  24. Minemura S, Tanaka T, Arai M, Okimoto K, Oyamada A, Saito K, Maruoka D, Matsumura T, Nakagawa T, Katsuno T, Kishimoto T, Yokosuka O. Gene expression profiling of laterally spreading tumors. BMC Gastroenterol. 2015 Jun 6;15:64.

  25. Hirotsu Y, Kanda T, Matsumura H, Moriyama M, Yokosuka O, Omata M. HCV NS5A resistance-associated variants in a group of real-world Japanese patients chronically infected with HCV genotype 1b. Hepatol Int. 2015 Jul;9(3):424-30.

  26. Jiang X, Kanda T, Wu S, Nakamoto S, Nakamura M, Sasaki R, Haga Y, Wakita T, Shirasawa H, Yokosuka O. Hepatitis C Virus Nonstructural Protein 5A Inhibits MG132-Induced Apoptosis of Hepatocytes in Line with NF-κB-Nuclear Translocation. PLoS One. 2015 Jul 2;10(7):e0131973.

  27. Chiba T, Saito T, Yuki K, Zen Y, Koide S, Kanogawa N, Motoyama T, Ogasawara S, Suzuki E, Ooka Y, Tawada A, Otsuka M, Miyazaki M, Iwama A, Yokosuka O. Histone lysine methyltransferase SUV39H1 is a potent target for epigenetic therapy of hepatocellular carcinoma. Int J Cancer. 2015 Jan 15;136(2):289-98.

  28. Maruyama H, Kondo T, Sekimoto T, Kiyono S, Shimada T, Takahashi M, Okugawa H, Yokosuka O. Hyponatremia: a significant factor in a poor prognosis for cirrhosis with Child A/B after variceal eradication. J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci. 2015 Oct;22(10):771-8.

  29. Shimada T, Maruyama H, Kondo T, Sekimoto T, Takahashi M, Yokosuka O. Impact of splenic circulation: non-invasive microbubble-based assessment of portal hemodynamics. Eur Radiol. 2015 Mar;25(3):812-20.

  30. Fujiwara K, Yasui S, Yonemitsu Y, Arai M, Kanda T, Nakano M, Oda S, Yokosuka O. Importance of the poor prognosis of severe and fulminant hepatitis in the elderly in an era of a highly aging society: Analysis in a Japanese center. Hepatol Res. 2015 Aug;45(8):863-71.

  31. Suzuki E, Ooka Y, Chiba T, Kobayashi K, Kanogawa N, Motoyama T, Saito T, Ogasawara S, Tawada A, Yokosuka O. Incidental tumor necrosis caused by the interventional alteration of hepatic arterial flow in patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma. Clin J Gastroenterol. 2015 Feb;8(1):41-6.

  32. Maruyama H, Kondo T, Kiyono S, Sekimoto T, Takahashi M, Yokosuka O. Influence of splenorenal shunt on long-term outcomes in cirrhosis. Scand J Gastroenterol. 2015 May;50(5):593-600.

  33. Kondo T, Maruyama H, Kiyono S, Sekimoto T, Shimada T, Takahashi M, Ogasawara S, Suzuki E, Ooka Y, Tawada A, Chiba T, Kanai F, Yokosuka O. Intensity-Based Assessment of Microbubble-Enhanced Ultrasonography: Phase-Related Diagnostic Ability for Cellular Differentiation of Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Ultrasound Med Biol. 2015 Dec;41(12):3079-87.

  34. Nakagawa T, Katsuno T, Noguchi Y, Mandai Y, Yoshihama S, Saito K, Maruoka D, Matsumura T, Arai M, Yokosuka O. Irsogladine Maleate Prevents Colitis in Interleukin-10 Gene-Deficient Mice by Reducing Interleukin-12 and -23 Production. Biol Pharm Bull. 2015;38(11):1681-8.

  35. Kanda T, Nakamoto S, Yokosuka O. Is the use of IL28B genotype justified in the era of interferon-free treatments for hepatitis C? World J Virol. 2015 Aug 12;4(3):178-84.

  36. Mizokami M, Yokosuka O, Takehara T, Sakamoto N, Korenaga M, Mochizuki H, Nakane K, Enomoto H, Ikeda F, Yanase M, Toyoda H, Genda T, Umemura T, Yatsuhashi H, Ide T, Toda N, Nirei K, Ueno Y, Nishigaki Y, Betular J, Gao B, Ishizaki A, Omote M, Mo H, Garrison K, Pang PS, Knox SJ, Symonds WT, McHutchison JG, Izumi N, Omata M. Ledipasvir and sofosbuvir fixed-dose combination with and without ribavirin for 12 weeks in treatment-naive and previously treated Japanese patients with genotype 1 hepatitis C: an open-label, randomised, phase 3 trial. Lancet Infect Dis. 2015 Jun;15(6):645-53.

  37. Ogasawara S, Chiba T, Ooka Y, Suzuki E, Kanogawa N, Saito T, Motoyama T, Tawada A, Kanai F, Yokosuka O. Liver function assessment according to the Albumin-Bilirubin (ALBI) grade in sorafenib-treated patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma. Invest New Drugs. 2015 Dec;33(6):1257-62.

  38. Sekimoto T, Maruyama H, Kiyono S, Kondo T, Shimada T, Takahashi M, Yokosuka O, Yamaguchi T. Liver Stiffness: A Significant Relationship with the Waveform Pattern in the Hepatic Vein. Ultrasound Med Biol. 2015 Jul;41(7):1801-7.

  39. Nakamura M, Kanda T, Sasaki R, Haga Y, Jiang X, Wu S, Nakamoto S, Yokosuka O. MicroRNA-122 Inhibits the Production of Inflammatory Cytokines by Targeting the PKR Activator PACT in Human Hepatic Stellate Cells. PLoS One. 2015 Dec 4;10(12):e0144295.

  40. Maruoka D, Arai M, Tanaka T, Okimoto K, Oyamada A, Minemura S, Tsuboi M, Matsumura T, Nakagawa T, Kanda T, Katsuno T, Imazeki F, Yokosuka O. Mosapride citrate increases postprandial glucagon-like peptide-1, insulin, and gene expression of sweet taste receptors. Dig Dis Sci. 2015 Feb;60(2):345-53.

  41. Sato T, Kondo F, Ebara M, Sugiura N, Okabe S, Sunaga M, Yoshikawa M, Suzuki E, Ogasawara S, Shinozaki Y, Ooka Y, Chiba T, Kanai F, Kishimoto T, Nakatani Y, Fukusato T, Yokosuka O. Natural history of large regenerative nodules and dysplastic nodules in liver cirrhosis: 28-year follow-up study. Hepatol Int. 2015 Apr;9(2):330-6.

  42. Sasaki R, Kanda T, Nakamoto S, Haga Y, Nakamura M, Yasui S, Jiang X, Wu S, Arai M, Yokosuka O. Natural interferon-beta treatment for patients with chronic hepatitis C in Japan. World J Hepatol. 2015 May 18;7(8):1125-32.

  43. Sakai Y, Tsuyuguchi T, Nishikawa T, Sugiyama H, Sasaki R, Sakamoto D, Watanabe Y, Nakamura M, Yasui S, Mikata R, Yokosuka O. New tapered metallic stent for unresectable malignant hilar bile duct obstruction. World J Clin Cases. 2015 Oct 16;3(10):887-93.

  44. Haga Y, Kanda T, Sasaki R, Nakamura M, Nakamoto S, Yokosuka O. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and hepatic cirrhosis: Comparison with viral hepatitis-associated steatosis. World J Gastroenterol. 2015 Dec 14;21(46):12989-95.

  45. Fujiwara K, Oda S, Abe R, Yokosuka O. On-line hemodiafiltration or high-flow continuous hemodiafiltration is one of the most effective artificial liver support devices for acute liver failure in Japan. J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci. 2015 Mar;22(3):246-7.

  46. Nishikawa T, Tsuyuguchi T, Ishigami H, Sakai Y, Sugiyama H, Nakatani Y, Ohtsuka M, Miyazaki M, Yokosuka O. Peroral cholangioscopy-guided forceps biopsy to evaluate a cicatricial stricture of the biliary duct (with video). Gastrointest Endosc. 2015 Apr;81(4):1030-1; discussion 1031.

  47. Okusaka T, Ueno H, Ikeda M, Mitsunaga S, Ozaka M, Ishii H, Yokosuka O, Ooka Y, Yoshimoto R, Yanagihara Y, Okita K. Phase 1 and pharmacological trial of OPB-31121, a signal transducer and activator of transcription-3 inhibitor, in patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma. Hepatol Res. 2015 Dec;45(13):1283-91.

  48. Sekimoto T, Maruyama H, Kondo T, Shimada T, Kiyono S, Yokosuka O. Potential stagnation in the splanchnic hemodynamics demonstrated by the dynamic microbubbles in chronic liver disease. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2015 Jun;30(6):1001-8.

  49. Kurosawa J, Tawada K, Mikata R, Ishihara T, Tsuyuguchi T, Saito M, Shimofusa R, Yoshitomi H, Ohtsuka M, Miyazaki M, Yokosuka O. Prognostic relevance of apparent diffusion coefficient obtained by diffusion-weighted MRI in pancreatic cancer. J Magn Reson Imaging. 2015 Dec;42(6):1532-7.

  50. Nakamura M, Kanda T, Nakamoto S, Haga Y, Sasaki R, Jiang X, Yasui S, Arai M, Yokosuka O. Reappearance of serum hepatitis B viral DNA in patients with hepatitis B surface antigen seroclearance. Hepatology. 2015 Oct;62(4):1329.

  51. Kanda T, Yasui S, Nakamura M, Arai M, Sasaki R, Haga Y, Wu S, Nakamoto S, Okamoto H, Yokosuka O. Recent Trend of Hepatitis E Virus Infection in Chiba Area, Japan: 3 of 5 Cases with Rheumatoid Arthritis. Case Rep Gastroenterol. 2015 Oct 17;9(3):317-26.

  52. Maruyama H, Kondo T, Kiyono S, Sekimoto T, Takahashi M, Okugawa H, Yokosuka O. Relationship and interaction between serum sodium concentration and portal hemodynamics in patients with cirrhosis. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2015 Nov;30(11):1635-42.

  53. Maruyama H, Kondo T, Sekimoto T, Takahashi M, Fujiwara K, Imazeki F, Yokosuka O. Retrograde detection of the intrahepatic portal vein in primary biliary cirrhosis: is sinusoidal blockage the underlying pathophysiology? Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2015 Mar;27(3):321-7.

  54. Kondo T, Maruyama H, Sekimoto T, Shimada T, Takahashi M, Yokosuka O. Reversed portal flow: Clinical influence on the long-term outcomes in cirrhosis. World J Gastroenterol. 2015 Aug 7;21(29):8894-902.

  55. Fujiwara K, Yasui S, Nakano M, Yonemitsu Y, Arai M, Kanda T, Fukuda Y, Oda S, Yokosuka O. Severe and fulminant hepatitis of indeterminate etiology in a Japanese center. Hepatol Res. 2015 Oct;45(10):E141-9.

  56. Ogasawara S, Chiba T, Ooka Y, Kanogawa N, Saito T, Motoyama T, Suzuki E, Tawada A, Kanai F, Yokosuka O. Sorafenib treatment in Child-Pugh A and B patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma: safety, efficacy and prognostic factors. Invest New Drugs. 2015 Jun;33(3):729-39.

  57. Maruoka D, Arai M, Ishigami H, Okimoto K, Saito K, Minemura S, Matsumura T, Nakagawa T, Katsuno T, Yokosuka O. Sporadic nonampullary duodenal adenoma/carcinoma is associated with not only colon adenoma/carcinoma but also gastric cancer: association of location of duodenal lesions with comorbid diseases. Scand J Gastroenterol. 2015 Mar;50(3):333-40.

  58. Kamezaki H, Azemoto R, Yokosuka O, Fujimoto T, Obu M, Saito M, Yoshida Y, Koma Y, Maruyama H, Fujimori M. Suspicion of superior mesenteric artery syndrome in a patient with severe gastric dilatation after catheter ablation. Intern Med. 2015;54(6):605-9.

  59. Kanogawa N, Ogasawara S, Chiba T, Saito T, Motoyama T, Suzuki E, Ooka Y, Tawada A, Kanda T, Mikami S, Azemoto R, Kaiho T, Shinozaki M, Ohtsuka M, Miyazaki M, Yokosuka O. Sustained virologic response achieved after curative treatment of hepatitis C virus-related hepatocellular carcinoma as an independent prognostic factor. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2015 Jul;30(7):1197-204.

  60. Kanda T, Nakamura M, Sasaki R, Yasui S, Nakamoto S, Haga Y, Jiang X, Wu S, Tawada A, Arai M, Imazeki F, Yokosuka O. Sustained Virological Response after 8-Week Treatment of Simeprevir with Peginterferon α-2a plus Ribavirin in a Japanese Female with Hepatitis C Virus Genotype 1b and IL28B Minor Genotype. Case Rep Gastroenterol. 2015 Jul 8;9(2):215-20.

  61. Kanda T, Yokosuka O. The androgen receptor as an emerging target in hepatocellular carcinoma. J Hepatocell Carcinoma. 2015 Jun 26;2:91-9.

  62. Jiang X, Kanda T, Nakamoto S, Saito K, Nakamura M, Wu S, Haga Y, Sasaki R, Sakamoto N, Shirasawa H, Okamoto H, Yokosuka O. The JAK2 inhibitor AZD1480 inhibits hepatitis A virus replication in Huh7 cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2015 Mar 20;458(4):908-12.

  63. Kanda T, Sasaki R, Nakamoto S, Haga Y, Nakamura M, Shirasawa H, Okamoto H, Yokosuka O. The sirtuin inhibitor sirtinol inhibits hepatitis A virus (HAV) replication by inhibiting HAV internal ribosomal entry site activity. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2015 Oct 23;466(3):567-71.

  64. Suzuki E, Chiba T, Ogasawara S, Saito T, Kanogawa N, Motoyama T, Ooka Y, Tawada A, Maruyama H, Ogawa M, Yokosuka O. Tolvaptan treatment for patients with decompensated cirrhosis and advanced hepatocellular carcinoma. Hepatol Res. 2015 Oct;45(10):E161-2.

  65. Tawada A, Chiba T, Ooka Y, Kanogawa N, Saito T, Motoyama T, Ogasawara S, Suzuki E, Kanai F, Yoshikawa M, Yokosuka O. Transarterial chemoembolization with miriplatin plus epirubicin in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. Anticancer Res. 2015 Jan;35(1):549-54.

  66. Suzuki E, Chiba T, Ooka Y, Ogasawara S, Tawada A, Motoyama T, Kanogawa N, Saito T, Yoshikawa M, Yokosuka O. Transcatheter arterial infusion for advanced hepatocellular carcinoma: Who are candidates? World J Gastroenterol. 2015 Aug 7;21(29):8888-93.

  67. Yasui S, Fujiwara K, Nakamura M, Miyamura T, Yonemitsu Y, Mikata R, Arai M, Kanda T, Imazeki F, Oda S, Yokosuka O. Virological efficacy of combination therapy with corticosteroid and nucleoside analogue for severe acute exacerbation of chronic hepatitis B. J Viral Hepat. 2015 Feb;22(2):94-102.